good Day... i need help about my project in school about employee attendance module. I have a table tblEmployee(EmpId,Name,Dept,Position) and another table tblAttendance(EmpId,date,AmIn,AmOut,PmIn,PmOut)
I need a query that will find those employees who are absent or those employee who does not have an attendance on a specific date... urgent please thanks a lot....
I am using MS VB 6.0 so far i did was to search those employee's who have not take an attendance for a day.. my query for that is...
Select EmpId from tblEmployee not IN (select EmpId from tblAttendance where [date] =#06/06/2008#)
my problem for that is i want to know those employee's who have take a consecutive absences using two dates...
tblEmployee, tblAttendance has one to many relationship...
Here is a sample form in vb 6.0 what am i using
Searcy Options:
End Date
Filter those employee's who have taken consecutive absences and from what date it is...