I need to pass some extra fields to paypal and then pass them back into the database when the user has payed
I have added 2 fields to the members database, "packagename" and "packagevalue"
I want these so that I can later use the values to detemine which package a user has paid for and impose limits.
I have added the following to the paypal_submit event
if request.form("ppal")="ok" and (session("ppuid")<>"" or request.form("uid")<>"") then
if request.form("uid")<>"" then session("ppuid")=request.form("uid")
if request.form("paytype")<>"" then ptype=request.form("paytype")
Set rstmp = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
tmpSQL="select from prices where ID=" & ptype
rstmp.open tmpSQL, dbConnection
packagelevel=replace(rstmp("Packagelevel"),",",".") rstmp.close
tmpSQL="select from options"
rstmp.open tmpSQL, dbConnection
info = "<BODY onload=""document.forms.xclick.submit();"">"
info=info & "<FORM name=xclick action=""https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"" method=post>"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""cmd"" value=""_xclick"">"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""business"" value=""" & email & """>"
' info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""currency_code"" value=""" & dataInfo("Currency") & """>"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""item_name"" value=""Registration"">"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""amount"" value=""" & price & """>"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""quantity"" value=""1"">"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""item_number"" value=""" & SESSION("ppuid") & """>"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""custom"" value=""" & ptype & """>"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""package"" value=""" & packagename & """>"
info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""level"" value=""" & packagelevel & """>"
How do I post this to paypal and then update the database with the extra fields on customer completing payment?