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Wrong currency

4/17/2008 6:01:43 PM
Members Template General Questions
griller author

I have changed all instances of dollar sign $ for uk gbp £. The problem is it sends the price in usd to paypal when I want gbp for uk.
I found this line in onscreen event PayPal_Submit

'info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""currency_code"" value=""" & dataInfo("Currency") & """>"
Do I need to change this or is the setting some where else?


Admin 4/18/2008

Uncomment this line and use GBP as a currency:

info=info & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""currency_code"" value=""GBP"">"

Events page: LoginPage->PayPal_Submit

wypman 6/20/2008

I've been having these problems too. I changed the PayPal_Submit code to:

$info.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency_code\" value=\"GBP\">";

This works for the actual payment, but the initial screen still comes up in dollars. I've been looking at a line in the PayPal Event, tried changing it as follows:

$s=format_currency($data["Price"],"GBP") . " " . $data["Label"];

But still no luck. Any ideas?

wypman 6/21/2008

Sorted this one now from the language settings on the Miscellaneous Sheet

jasp 11/21/2008

for all the people on as steep a learning curve as me as me,
I changed the currency symbol using the main regional settings on the computer
the currency code line in the paypal_submit page that admin suggests to uncomment, is not there in the version I downloaded (Nov 2008) and has to be typed in, but it does the job once typed in