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 Format Question

3/27/2003 9:45:27 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
mwill9872 author

I am displaying a "Billing By Location" grid....
It provides a rundown of $$ by month bu location.

The last line show the total for each column.
Is it possible to BOLD the "TOTAL" line.... using runner or ????
Love the program.....

Sergey Kornilov 3/29/2003

You can do this if you have some unique value in your last line that identifies this line. For example if you have a word Totalin some column of the last row it can be used to highlight this row.
I know it sounds vague. If you can show me you real page on the Web with actual data if I can give you more clear idea how to achieve this.
Sergey Kornilov

mwill9872 author 3/30/2003

here is a link to a sample:
all of the "grids" end with "Total Billed"
I do all the subtotaling in access prior to the upload.
Gotta say love the program.... and it's saved me a lot of time over front page.....

Sergey Kornilov 3/31/2003

Here is what you can do:

  1. Add this code to include/style.css file


        COLOR: #333333;


        FONT-WEIGHT: bold;


2. In your BILLINGLOC.asp file find Sub loopRs(rsData,nPageSize).

This is subroutine that displays actual data.

Modify it the following way (add line of code that is bolded):

  DO  UNTIL rsData.eof OR iNumberOfRows>=nPageSize

  '  To insure that every other one is shaded

  If iShadeTheDetail = 0 then

    sShadeClass = "class=shade"

    iShadeTheDetail = 1


    sShadeClass = ""

    iShadeTheDetail = 0

  End If
if rsData("Location") = "TOTAL BILLED" then sShadeClass = "class=totalline"

I hope it helps.
Sergey Kornilov

mwill9872 author 4/3/2003

this worked great! perfect.... thanks!!!