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Master- Detail. Detail is using a view and I want to be able to delete that detail

9/29/2024 8:00:34 PM
PHPRunner General questions
asawyer13 authorDevClub member

Master- Detail. Detail is using a view and I want to be able to delete that detail but mysql says the view is not updatable.

Is there a way to create a custom delete so I could delete the detail record?

I am using the checkbox feature for deleting, not trying to use a custom button.


asawyer13 authorDevClub member 9/29/2024
asawyer13 authorDevClub member 9/29/2024

That worked, but the button is always active, not like the real delete button which is only active when a record has been selected for deletion.

I think there is a way to get that to work so I will try to track it down.

Davor GeciDevClub member 9/30/2024