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Pop message or alert message

1/7/2024 11:13:11 PM
Members Template General Questions
aeaton2017 author

Just seeing if they to have a alert message if values change

I have tried this but not luck..
if ($values["lead_generator"] !== $oldvalues["lead_generator"]) {
// Output JavaScript to trigger an alert
echo 'alert("Lead generator value has changed!")';

I put this on the after update event page, but does not work..

Just seeing if I am on the right track.

Davor GeciDevClub member 1/8/2024

I think that you need to include "script"

if ($values["lead_generator"] !== $oldvalues["lead_generator"]) {
// Output JavaScript to trigger an alert
echo '<script>alert("Lead generator value has changed!");</script>';
Sergey Kornilov 1/8/2024

You need a Javascript event to display a popup. You cannot do thisin a server-side event.

fhumanes 1/12/2024


As @admin (Sergey) has indicated in this event you cannot include the JavaScript code that would require notification of the event.

Do you know this notification API that Phprunner has?

With this notification system you would have no problem reporting anything.
