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real World examples

4/15/2023 5:42:55 AM
PHPRunner General questions
ASPCoder author

is there somewhere i can look at real world examples of how people are usjng websites in the real world that have been designed with PHP Runner
it would be useful to see the types of things people do with it

Dalkeith 4/15/2023

Hi ASPCoder
This forum is an example of PHPRunner in action.
There are a lot of internal systems built with PHPRunner and people of course will not give you access to those systems.
Fernando Humanes has a lot of example systems that he has created and many have demos see his website.

ASPCoder author 4/15/2023

i was meaning if there are any publically facibg web page that use this

salus2 4/18/2023

Not sure if this helps but there are a number of PHPRunner examples on my website under the "PHP" tab.
While these represent a tiny fraction of PHPRunner's capabilities hopefully they provide inspiration.
Also, the entire Examples Database interface was generated by PHPRunner.