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Master/Detail Refresh Master after adding detal

3/20/2023 8:17:55 PM
PHPRunner General questions
Ace Drummond author

I have a 'member' <em>master</em> record that keeps track of when the membership expires in fields 'year_due' and 'month_due'.
I have a 'transaction <em>'detail'</em> record that is linked to the member by member number.
Each transaction takes the current member 'year_due' and 'month_due' from the master record and computes a new 'year_due' and 'month_due' based upon the transaction payment term (1 year or 2 years)
I update the 'year_due' and 'month_due' basedf upon the transaction in the screen event as I process transactions.
When I add a transaction for a member the master is showing the starting 'year_due' and 'month_due'.
When I add a transaction it gets added to the transaction table and actually updates the member table 'year_due' and 'month_due' correctly; however. the screen still shows the starting 'year_due' and 'month_due' before the update.
A manual refresh will show everything correctly.
I've tried adding a redirect to refresh the page and the transaction actually processes, but the transaction pop up with the data entry never completes if the redirect is present in my code.
I've tried ther redirect placing it within the after record added event and this is the code
//** Redirect to another page ****
header("Location: manage_members_list.php");
Any clue as to why it does not redirect and refresh the page? Thank you//