August 12, 2022. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET 10.8 maintenance release
build 39712
Fixed in this build:
- session expiration feature didn't work properly on the Change Password page;
- two menu layout on Welcome page didn't create second menu automatically;
- fixed drag & drop in the cell with 'logo' element on the Designer screen;
- failed validation messages didn't show up for fields with empty tooltips;
- background image didn't show on import, dashboard and list pages with 'panel-like grid' option enabled;
- fixed tooltips for Expand and Show menu buttons;
- fixed search panel options in German language;
- fixed custom fonts for applications not in the website root;
- WHERE tabs didn't show on Lookup - List page;
- 'Session expired' message was not showing on the Login page in some cases;
- .NET only, REST API Connection calls broke when Referer header was specified;
- Copy layout feature lead to crash in big projects;
- thumbnails were not showing for files uploaded with 'Basic upload control';
- fixed file upload to OneDrive for Azure Business;
- PHPRunner x64 - built-in webserver didn't support Oracle;
- PHP only, PDF feature didn't work on servers with turned off output buffering;
- fixed dashboard quirks in RTL languages;
- fixed (removed) extra Expand button on mobile devices;
- fixed right-click menu on the pages on Style Editor screen;
Customers who purchased less than twelve months ago can download this update via the control panel. Proceed to 'My purchases' and check 'Reg info' link next to your latest purchase.
Customers who purchased more than twelve months ago can renew their maintenance using links below:
PHPRunner maintenance
ASPRunner.NET maintenance
ASPRunnerPro maintenance
The whole list of features in version 10.8: