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November 12, 2021. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET 10.6 maintenance release

11/12/2021 11:09:12 PM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log
Sergey Kornilov

November 12, 2021. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET 10.6 maintenance release
build 38243

In this update:

  • fixed Before SQL Query event - strWhereCaluse modification now works with MySQL 8;
  • fixed events didn't work in tables where there were no List/Search permissions;
  • remind password page didn't work in PHP 8;
  • fixed hideItem() function on Add/Edit pages. Hidden field values are now submitted with the form and saved to the database.
  • .NET - added support for TLS 1.2 emails servers;
  • .NET + dynamic permissions. Sometimes images were not displayed properly on the List page;
  • filter by weeks now respects regional settings im MySQL, SQL Server;
  • .NET - added support for DB2 and SQLite BLOB fields;
  • .NET - improved performance of projects with events;
  • REST View - Run request option now supports servers with self-signed certificates;

Customers who purchased less than twelve months ago can download this update via the control panel.

Customers who purchased more than twelve months ago can renew their maintenance using links below:

PHPRunner maintenance

ASPRunner.NET maintenance

ASPRunnerPro maintenance

The whole list of features in version 10.6: