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Chat Script Date Issues

7/19/2021 11:57:50 AM
General Tips and Tricks
DRCR Dev author

Hi I can't find a chat room for the chat scipt. I hope this is an appropriate place.

The chat script causing 2 date issues.

in the HTML code date date is shows as:
<span class='message_date'>18/00/2021 04:44:38</span> (month is 00)
and shows on the visible page as 18/00/2021 04:44:00 (seconds are missing)

In mySQL the date says 2021-07-18 04:44:38

How do I 18/07/2021 04:44:38 to show on the webpage?

Thanks in advance for any help.


admin 7/20/2021

I recoommed posting this project to Demo Account and contacting the support team directly. There is not enough info and we need to see your project in order to provide help.

DRCR Dev author 8/1/2021

I solved this by adding one line to the date array, it needed another line. Changing to an American date fixed the issue. American dates look prettier anyway Jun 12th 2021 looks much better then the clinical UK date 12/06/2021. I'm very happy with how its coming along.