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Runner.Dialog - radio button vertical

7/5/2021 7:38:45 PM
PHPRunner General questions
AlphaBase author

The following sample code is on a button's Client before event:

return Runner.Dialog( {
title: 'Preferences',
header: 'Answer a few questions

bottom: 'And thank you for visiting!',
fields: [{
name: 'Favorite car make',
type: 'radio',
required: true,
**horizontal: false,**
ok: 'Save',
cancel: 'Cancel'


This is what it looks like:

img alt

I want to increase the vertial size of the dialog so taht all the options and the buttons can be seen.


AlphaBase author 7/5/2021

That is for Runner.displayPopup();
I'm using Runner.Dialog - and the height parameter doesn't seem to do anything.