Ok, Iv'e noticed that this question has been asked quite a few times, but, there are no clear instructions whatsoever as to how to integrate the members template to an existing phprunner project, this is what I am actually expecting:
1.- Do I just add the template via the add business template button? If so, when the message that there are already security settings come up do I hit ok or cancel (I have done both and don't understand what changes)
2.- How do I restrain users that have not paid for a membership to access certain parts of the site? I do not see a list of pages that are supposed to be protected from the non - members ...
3.- Now this might be a little more difficult but the end project is something like this:
A) Use the classifieds template to generate a classified adds site.
<img src='https://asprunner.com/forums/file.php?topicimage=1&fieldname=question&id=23672&image=1&table=forumtopics' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> Allow users to post a classified add ONLY after they have payed for their membership, but everyone has to be able to view the classified adds that are already posted.
C) I do not use Paypal, they charge a little above some other payment services, so I was planning to also integrate the shopping cart template to accept payments with credit cards and not Paypal.
D) How would I integrate the shopping cart template into the project with the other 2 templates to replace the Paypal payment option with the shopping cart credit card payment option?
I have done extensive searches for the past 4 weeks in the forums and using Google and Youtube for any videos / tutorials / whitepaper and have found nothing, the nearest I came to true directions as to how to integrate the members template with my existing phprunner project was this from and old 2011 post:
"Posted 14 March 2011 - 12:39 PM
Thanks very much - I think I understand.
( a ) Leave the login page etc. as it is for the original project
( b ) Create a separate registration site using the Members Template. This new registration site modifies the login information in the tables for the original site and sets the group to which members belong on the original site etc.
Use the Members Template tables for the security of the original site
( c ) Control everything through the groups allocated by the Members Template.
( d ) Make sure that there are no security incompatibilities.
Very nice - thanks to both you and Sergey. I am sure that this will work."
Aparently this will work, but it really doesn't answer any questions like the ones I have above.
Can someone please help me? Sergey? ... Anyone? ... <img src='https://asprunner.com/forums/file.php?topicimage=1&fieldname=question&id=23672&image=2&table=forumtopics' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />