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PHPRunner5.3/ASPRunnerPro6.3 preview

7/30/2010 2:35:18 AM
Sergey Kornilov

We expect beta version to be available on August 20th. Final version will be available in the middle of September.
Note: most likely PHPRunner/ASPRunnerPro price will be increased. Get your copy now and upgrade to new version free of charge (all purchases code me with one year of free upgrades).
Here is a preview of some PHPRunner5.3/ASPRunnerPro6.3 new features.
Major features

  1. Tabs/folding sections on Add/Edit pages
    Live demo (won't work in IE yet):

2. Option to display Add/Edit/View pages in popup
Live demo:

Check Add/Edit/View links to see how it works
3. New 'View as' types 'Video' and 'Audio'
4. A number of improvements related to huge (hundreds of tables) projects support. Faster loading, partial rebuild.

5. Totally rewamped events editor.
Filter by event name

Show events with actual code only

Search within event or within all events

Minor features
4. Search options for fine search tuning.

7. Export/import multilanguage labels to CSV to edit in external editor.
8. SMTP mailer support in PHP
9. Audit log events
11. Allow to enter different connection settings for dev/production environment
12. Option to access field values in BeforeDisplay Edit/View.
13. Option to modify start/end year in date dropdown box (per project)
Option to set default number of digits after comma for all numeric fields.
14. Auto-fill several fields on Add/Edit pages with values from lookup table

J 7/30/2010

I would like to be able to easily show the parameters in a chart. Thanks!

FunkDaddy 7/30/2010

Sergey... this is great! Keep up the good work and steady flow of version upgrades... this is why I decided to go with PHPRunner in the first place! I can't wait for this version... and the upcoming one after that that lets me control the CSS directly. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

luic 7/30/2010

It looks good. Looking forward to see this version. Few suggestions:
Regarding the search interface, if you can have an option to use a calendar view to display the records instead of type in the date for searches, for example, click on the date to display the records under that date.
Further, if the application hits a huge database, the performance is very slow. Can we limit how many max records to be displayed on the list screen?
Performance is my concern when we work on a large db using ASPRunner. I am not sure if PHPRunner is faster or the .net version.

algreilly 7/30/2010

Sergey and Team:
Will this version have the ability in the Advanced Search box to be "EQUALS" instead of Equals, Like, More Then, Less then ETC.

I already like the Add/Edit popup box features!!

mdorren 7/30/2010

Wow! Looks great Sergey!
I would also humbly request a way to intuitively change or create new styles and color schemes. The ones you have are great but marketing companies that we work with are getting very anal about color branding and such.
Thanks and keep up the good work!


mmponline 7/30/2010

I love the Tabs/folding sections on Add/Edit pages option. I've been struggling for days to get this sorted on a recent project and everything is still not working as it should

  1. A feature I would love to see is the ability to have a "blank" page (or more than one)in visual editor for each table that one can use for eg. a confirmation page after edit,add, print, etc.

    This page should have the ability to drop the yellow blocks in it where the values of the fields are shown.

    Thank you for listing <<companyname>> under <<category>>

    will be

    Thank you for listing Multi Media Productionsunder Website Development
  2. Another would be the ability to "save as" a style or design and then customise the colours, css, etc. right there. I used a program about 4 years ago that had this feature but it's a far cry form all the other PHPRunner abilities
    Looking forward to 5.3

    Happy PHPRunner user since 4.0

luic 7/30/2010

One more feature about back to list button. Can we have a link with parameter assigned to it? Sometime, the return is not back to the calling page; it may be redirected to other page. Currently, I have to create another button with sniplet code.

mccreelake 7/30/2010

This looks great. I am really excited about alot of the new features.
Another issue that I have dealt with recently that would be great to have a feature added is a two box control where you have a list of possible values on one side and the ability to move those values from the possible list to the list to be added to the field. Similar to the multiline lookup wizard except with another box.
This is because the multiline lookup field is really nice but when you have alot of possible values, it is difficult to use crtl to select them and remember everyone you selected.
Just a thought. Thanks!

KeithS 7/30/2010

My quick first impressions. I like the tabs and the cars popup demos. Note: on Firefox 3.6.4, Fedora 13 the cars page never finished loading (Chrome worked fine) and on the tab/edit demo page the time entry was appearing below the tabs so I could not select the floating/popup time buttons that were occluded by the tabs (Both FF and Chrome). That said, I like the time entry - seemed smooth/responsive. Finally! - the event/code editor has more developer friendly features like Search. Separate connections for dev/production environments will be very useful. Looks like lots of good stuff coming - nice...

drk2009 7/30/2010

The new version looks good, I just wanted to ask if possible for future versions it will be great if

we could change the parameters for each chart such as scale, chart color, line format, etc. This will

make the charts customisable and will be great.

sgchan 7/31/2010

The new version is nice. Could I make a request for making it easier to produce a PHPRunner template? I know it is a tall order, but I think that would be THE ultimate enhancement... but that's just my 2 cents opinion. Nonetheless, I still like PHPRunner.

acpan 7/31/2010

Great version! Most importantly for me, hope it will support:

  1. Tabs inside Section
  2. Sections Inside Tab


meirco 8/2/2010

Great new release.
Chris Lui requests exactly what I need.


Easy Upgrade Path from 5.1,5.2 Projects.
I bought 5.1 in 08/18/2009 what is the upgrade price ?

mmponline 8/2/2010

PHP Runner team
In a recent project I had a lot of difficulty with dependant dropdown fields, as PHPRunner do not have the ability to be dependant on previous field of dropdown if there are say 4 or more dependancies. My only fix was to combine dependancies that was not ideal. I would love to see this feature improved.
Thank you for always listening to our needs as end-users.

hichem 8/2/2010

I am struggling with large http Data and get timeouts as many of my list pages have linked child table links. Limiting the first data chunk retrieved from the database on the list page would be great for large projects.

I wish for future releases to include tabs for list pages as well which is also useful for large projects. I undersatnd that it is more challenging than Edit pages as it has to include the search panel, so may be we can have a common search panel for search on one tab only or across tabs which would be perfect.

The left menu could also be foldable from left to right to give place to the list page and larger tables.

Ideally if such containers (tab, foldable section, foldable screen area etc) would allow placing any kind of data, may be this is planned for the end of year release with the UI enhancements.
Great work, it's like having Christmas twice a year with ASPRunner

garivera 8/2/2010

Love the partial rebuild option, have been waiting a long time for this option. My current builds take way too long, but is a nice excuse for a coffee break.

I also saw that you added a search in the events section, this is great as well but would it be too much to ask for a search and replace? I currently have to copy and past it out to wordpad to do it.

rosssapp 8/9/2010

Wonderful upgrades. When can I purchase the beta version so I do not have to pay the extra money when the final version comes out.
Ross Sapp

luic 8/23/2010

I would like to see in the new version that we can assign default values to the search fields like add/edit.

s.kahya 8/24/2010

Dear Sergey
I was wondering
When will the beta version be released?

indigo 8/26/2010

Beta is past due... is there a revised ETA?

mikeaccess 10/19/2010

If I purchased PHPRunner in the last couple of months, would it be possible to get my free unlock code for 5.3 now so I can get rid of those pesky "unlicensed" messages on all the pages? I have a project nearly completed in 5.3b but I'm waiting to show the client until I can get rid of the ugly messages. Is there any reason why you are holding back the codes until it goes final?