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PHPRunner 5.2/ASPRunner 6.2

10/15/2009 3:57:20 PM
Sergey Kornilov

We plan to have a beta version of PHPRunner 5.2/ASPRunnerPro 6.2 available at the end of November/first week of December. This would be one of the most ambitious and feature-rich releases in PHPRunner/ASPRunnerPro history so bear with us if release date slips a bit. We work hard to ship it one time.
New features planned in this update.

  1. Audit

    All actions like login/logout/record editing/adding/deleting etc are logged to Audit table.'>

    Logon as admin/admin or user/user
  2. Record locking.

    To test this feature open this project in two different browsers i.e. in Firefox and Chrome. Logon using different credentials and try to edit the same record in one of tables to see how it works. Admin is able to unblock record if it was blocked for too long or take ownership.'>

    Logon as admin/admin or user/user
  3. Column resizing.

    Resize any column on the list page by dragging it's edge.
  4. Edit/Add master-details tables on the same page

  • Add master and details
  • Edit master and details
  • Edit details in inline mode on master
  • View master and details (not implemented in this demo, will be available in final version)
  • multiple detail tables (nested or one master - many details). I.e. you can display customers, orders by customer, order details per order and edit all three tables at the same time without leaving the page. Sounds a bit crazy, huh?

  1. New FTP client (fast and reliable). SFTP/FTPS support.
  2. Option: Block user account after three unsuccessful login attempts
  3. Option: Section 508 compliance
    Check keyboard-based navigation through table links on the list page (Arrow Up, Arrow Down, Tab, Shift Tab).
  4. Search panel (advanced search on the list page)

    Check search panel on the left. You can add new criteria.

    You can add the same field twice which will produce OR search (username='admin' or username='test').

    By default it implements 'Contains' search. To change this click 'Show options' link.

    You can use both search panel and simple search box at the same time. It produces AND search in this case.

    You can show/hide search panel clicking button with double arrows.

    You can also make search panel floating clicking pin button.
  5. Charts update. Multiple series (unlimited), gauge charts (horizontal, vertical, circular), accumulation charts, scrollable charts, financial charts, bubble charts. Chart auto-refresh by specified time interval.
    More info on new chart types:
  6. Google maps widget

  1. 'Insert button' feature. Add a button in Visual Editor and type in code to be executed after button is pressed. Supports both client-side (Javascript) and server-side (PHP/ASP) events.
  2. New databases support: Informix, DB2, SQLite, any ODBC-enabled
  3. Add CAPTCHA to any page

    (Edit/Add/Login/Password reminder etc)

s.kahya 10/16/2009

Dear Admin
Thanks for explaning PHPRunner 5.2 / ASP Runner 6.2 . You explained all the numbers very well. It would be great if you can also give sample for number 8 : Search panel (advanced search on the list page).
Thanks much .

emilio833 10/16/2009

Dear Admin,

about point 6, in my opinion, is better for this option to choose the number of unsuccessful logins before to lock the account and select time, in minutes, prior to unlock it.

Thanks a lot.


Sergey Kornilov 10/16/2009

take a look, I've updated this topic with more links.
I'm not sure if we are going to add an option to change the number of attempts. It will be easy to change in the code though if you need to.

KevinMillican 10/16/2009

This sounds great - I can't wait

thomaso 10/16/2009

These are all great enhancements. I am looking forward to them. The Auditing and Master/Detail are the two I really like.

thesofa 10/16/2009

This looks like one of the best upgrades ever, c'mon, bring it on, I have some new pages to do and this looks real cool.

vytb 10/16/2009

Unbelievable, thanks!

Some rather less complicated (mentioned by some users) things like an embedded help system or empty pages still are on my suggestion list.

chaintm 10/16/2009

Ok I have to admit, I have another big project due in the spring and actually going to hold off coding it till this is released, allot of new features saving me time from coding, (IE record locking ) etc was in my previous build, but I would love to see what you guys came up with. Very exciting indeed.
P.S. I say can't wait to see in action as http://demo.asprunne..._com/Project24/ login is not working, eh someone changed the passwords?

fantasmino 10/16/2009

Really great job like you always do.

Very useful point 4 multiple detail tables

And point 10 with google map I'm particulary interested in this point, do You think it's possible to integrate a personal web_gis made by p mapper, map server in the same way like google map?

chaintm 10/16/2009

Really great job like you always do.

Very useful point 4 multiple detail tables

And point 10 with google map I'm particulary interested in this point, do You think it's possible to integrate a personal web_gis made by p mapper, map server in the same way like google map?

To add to fantasmino post,
on the google end, do you think you could intergrate a link into it that would allow say the user info, IE adress, to be a linkable directional print. IE link in the map interface (print map/dir) link? That would be top!

Sergey Kornilov 10/16/2009

thank you, we have fixed that. I always forgot to turn off editing of users table.
I'm not really familiar with "personal web_gis made by p mapper, map server" etc. You may contact us to provide more details on this. Probably this is something we can do.

clig 10/16/2009

We plan to have a beta version of PHPRunner 5.2/ASPRunnerPro 6.2 available at the end of November/first week of December. This would be one of the most ambitious and feature-rich releases in PHPRunner/ASPRunnerPro history so bear with us if release date slips a bit. We work hard to ship it one time.
New features planned in this update.

  1. Audit

    All actions like login/logout/record editing/adding/deleting etc are logged to Audit table.'>

    Logon as admin/admin or test/test
  2. Record locking.

    To test this feature open this project in two different browsers i.e. in Firefox and Chrome. Logon using different credentials and try to edit the same record in one of tables to see how it works. Admin is able to unblock record if it was blocked for too long or take ownership.'>

    Logon as admin/admin or test/test
  3. Column resizing.

    Resize any column on the list page by dragging it's edge.
  4. Edit/Add master-details tables on the same page

  • Add master and details
  • Edit master and details
  • Edit details in inline mode on master
  • View master and details (not implemented in this demo, will be available in final version)
  • multiple detail tables (nested or one master - many details). I.e. you can display customers, orders by customer, order details per order and edit all three tables at the same time without leaving the page. Sounds a bit crazy, huh?

  1. New FTP client (fast and reliable). Uploads faster than FileZilla.
  2. Option: Block user account after three unsuccessful login attempts
  3. Option: Section 508 compliance

    Login: admin

    Pass: admin1
    This example doesn't yet have keyboard-based navigation on the list page. We'll add this feature next week and update the demo accordingly.
  4. Search panel (advanced search on the list page)

    Check search panel on the left. You can add new criteria.

    You can add the same field twice which will produce OR search (username='admin' or username='test').

    By default it implements 'Contains' search. To change this click 'Show options' link.

    You can use both search panel and simple search box at the same time. It produces AND search in this case.

    You can show/hide search panel clicking button with double arrows.

    You can also make search panel floating clicking pin button.
  5. Charts update. Multiple series (unlimited), charts preview (requires a local web server), gauge charts (horizontal, vertical, circular), accumulation charts, scrollable charts, financial charts, bubble charts. Chart auto-refresh by specified time interval.
    More info on new chart types:
  6. Google maps widget

  1. 'Insert button' feature. Add a button in Visual Editor and type in code to be executed after button is pressed. Supports both client-side (Javascript) and server-side (PHP/ASP) events.
  2. New databases support: Informix, DB2, SQLite, any ODBC-enabled (PHPRunner)
  3. AJAX-based pagination, sort, search

    Loop through your data without reloading the whole page.

"1. Audit

All actions like login/logout/record editing/adding/deleting etc are logged to Audit table.


Logon as admin/admin or test/test"
This is awesome as at the moment in 5.2 it's alot of extra coding to capture this into a table and send email notifications on special events such as delete...

hichem 10/16/2009

3. Column resizing.

Resize any column on the list page by dragging it's edge.


Regarding point 3, would it be possible to change the order of the columns by dragging these aside like shown on the audit example? The link for resizeable columns does not show this but it may be not implemented yet.
Can you please clarify? (I wish this is still planned to allow users to move column order around)
I also like the fact that the adv search can be pinned or floating. Would it be possible to do this to the left menu as well? May be allow us to have the table area pinned or floating?
As mentioned by Vitas, help or empty pages would be great as well. I would only add a new template like the one you are using for this forum. It just highlights better some of the new features.
Many many thanks to all the team and really a great effort!

vff 10/17/2009

Great! Showing the master/detail relationship in edit or add is just what I need. Would that work in view as well? Would that work only für master->detail or for all realtionships (tabA<-AtabB?
One suggestion to the audit function. I programmed that function already in php for my application. I stored old/new values in separate fields. That allows me to to show the changes made to an entry (using diff).

Green are additions to existing text, red deletions to existing text, plain text are completely new entries.

vff 10/17/2009

Well, since PHPrunner is fulfilling my needs more and more, here is another one:
What about generating a basic user manual for the created application?
The applications that I create with PHPrunner consist quite a lot of similar functions like add, edit, view, search. Wouldnt' it be nice if at the end of the build process everything that you created would result in a basic user manual, that contains all the screenshots, explains the usage, the functions, the features and that I only need to customize with my descriptions of tables and fields? That would be a great addition and time saver.

hichem 10/17/2009

Great! Showing the master/detail relationship in edit or add is just what I need. Would that work in view as well? Would that work only für master->detail or for all realtionships (tabA<-AtabB?
One suggestion to the audit function. I programmed that function already in php for my application. I stored old/new values in separate fields. That allows me to to show the changes made to an entry (using diff).

Green are additions to existing text, red deletions to existing text, plain text are completely new entries.

May be Sergey wouldn't mind building such a concept in? I like the way you show addition and deletions in different colour codes. Very user friendly concept. It's very useful.

Great stuff



NetHawk 10/17/2009

I'd love to have SQLite support! Great news. One suggestion I always wanted to make: Add a "clean" theme without much styling and without any unnecessary html attributes (like "align" and so on)...

e61 10/17/2009

Point 10 demo doesn't work, gives a php error..

vff 10/17/2009

May be Sergey wouldn't mind building such a concept in? I like the way you show addition and deletions in different colour codes. Very user friendly concept. It's very useful.

Great stuff



well, I forget to mention another detail:

I have a separate Table with the names of the major eye catchers in the tables, e.g. a family name or something like that. When I create an entry in the audit table, I not only store the ID of that record but also the relevant eye catcher. In the above example the record with the ID 13 is associated to "Mr. X". That way I'm even able to browse the central AuditLog and understand who did what.

hichem 10/18/2009

I think you can easily define your ID column as a lookup table to show any column you like instead of adding another field.

I like the way you show the edit trail for each record in the record details view. That's quite good especially if it is possible to show the audit trail based on user permissions. So not only access to teh entire audit trail table but also control how can see the change hostory for each individual record on teh view record page in your above screenshot.

unimatrix 10/18/2009

Sounds great. ODBC support in 5.2 is just in time as we start developing the next version of our system, which will be running off of DB2!
Also, custom buttons as well. It will make creating some custom Ajax features much easier. (Like developing our billing system) And the audit trail will be nice when we get ready for our PCI Level 1 Audit next year.

krisrianto 10/19/2009

how about group based access control and login? Does this version include this?

Sergey Kornilov 10/19/2009

how about group based access control and login? Does this version include this?

Group based access is already there. Check "User group permissions" on security tab.

Sergey Kornilov 10/19/2009

thank you for such a nice example. It makes really easy to what changes were.
When we were deciding between field-level and more compact record-level audit we found that there is no 'one size fits all' solution. We've decided to proceed with record-level audit for now. If you have a lot of fields in your database or want see all changes made by a certain user field-level audit would quite cumbersome.
Most probably we'll see it goes and add an option to switch between these two logging models.

chaintm 10/21/2009

came back to check on the demo implimentations, they seem to be down atm any eta on them coming up again soon?

Sergey Kornilov 10/22/2009

which demos are down?

mmponline 10/30/2009

I am very excited about the 29/10 newsletter with more info about the style and layout enhancements.
I have some ideas / suggestions on the style sheets and layouts. Not sure how easy/difficult to implement, but here we go.

  1. It would be great to have the possibility to choose a specific style from some dropdown list and then be able to change the colour, background, font size, etc. related to that style. I've been using a previous Database program that had this feature (but lacked a lot of other features). It was quite helpful as one could change colour and style without having to work on the style.css file. Practically it could have a right mouse option on a current tstyle to save as, with a new custom name and then edit that style.
  2. The ability to change style and layouts for individual pages. This way certain sections or pages can have it's onw unique appearance. Something like the reset button that has the option to "reset this page" only or "reset all" if you want to revert to the default style.
  3. The ability to add custom pages to the project. I know this was mentioned somewhere already. IOW. I can add a page on the project and use it as a thankyou for your enquiry redirect page, etc. without having to create it "outside" the project. If one could pick fields to display on these pages by choosing them from a dropdown (choose field... on the visual editor), it would be even better.
  4. Style sheets where the content is in a "container". This way the width of the page can be set by changing the width of the container and all other tables will resize within that container. This is also helpful if one wants to set the background of the page but have the info in another colour. Eg. Page background blue, container background white. Hope you understand my need, otherwise I can give examples.
    Thanks againfor an excellent program and regular enhancements to stay on top of technology.

CodeDog 10/30/2009

All of the suggestions listed so far are good ones, thought I'd add one more.
I'd like to see a project 'cleanup' option. When you add objects in the visual editor (say an image) and decide to delete it, it stays in the project folder. If you do this a number of times during the course of the project, you can end up with a lot of extraneous files left hanging around. Rather than trying to clean a project folder up manually, it would be nice to have the project file keep track of objects as they're added and deleted so you could do a one-click project cleanup before you publish.
And yes, the newsletter was great, thanks... <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

Sergey Kornilov 10/30/2009

per our earlier conversation we have added project cleanup feature to our to do list. Thanks for reminding.
this is very close to how we plan to implement styles modification.

CodeDog 10/31/2009

per our earlier conversation we have added project cleanup feature to our to do list. Thanks for reminding.
this is very close to how we plan to implement styles modification.

<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> After having mentioned it to you earlier I didn't want to put it here for quite a while as I watched this thread, but finally had to add it just to get it in. I figured you were already working on it, and it's appreciated. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Thanks...

mshidel 11/1/2009

Will the google widget populate the coordinates and distance between the two addresses entered by the user?

We plan to have a beta version of PHPRunner 5.2/ASPRunnerPro 6.2 available at the end of November/first week of December. This would be one of the most ambitious and feature-rich releases in PHPRunner/ASPRunnerPro history so bear with us if release date slips a bit. We work hard to ship it one time.
New features planned in this update.

  1. Audit

    All actions like login/logout/record editing/adding/deleting etc are logged to Audit table.'>

    Logon as admin/admin or user/user
  2. Record locking.

    To test this feature open this project in two different browsers i.e. in Firefox and Chrome. Logon using different credentials and try to edit the same record in one of tables to see how it works. Admin is able to unblock record if it was blocked for too long or take ownership.'>

    Logon as admin/admin or user/user
  3. Column resizing.

    Resize any column on the list page by dragging it's edge.
  4. Edit/Add master-details tables on the same page

  • Add master and details
  • Edit master and details
  • Edit details in inline mode on master
  • View master and details (not implemented in this demo, will be available in final version)
  • multiple detail tables (nested or one master - many details). I.e. you can display customers, orders by customer, order details per order and edit all three tables at the same time without leaving the page. Sounds a bit crazy, huh?

  1. New FTP client (fast and reliable). Uploads faster than FileZilla.
  2. Option: Block user account after three unsuccessful login attempts
  3. Option: Section 508 compliance
    Check keyboard-based navigation through table links on the list page (Arrow Up, Arrow Down, Tab, Shift Tab).
  4. Search panel (advanced search on the list page)

    Check search panel on the left. You can add new criteria.

    You can add the same field twice which will produce OR search (username='admin' or username='test').

    By default it implements 'Contains' search. To change this click 'Show options' link.

    You can use both search panel and simple search box at the same time. It produces AND search in this case.

    You can show/hide search panel clicking button with double arrows.

    You can also make search panel floating clicking pin button.
  5. Charts update. Multiple series (unlimited), charts preview (requires a local web server), gauge charts (horizontal, vertical, circular), accumulation charts, scrollable charts, financial charts, bubble charts. Chart auto-refresh by specified time interval.
    More info on new chart types:
  6. Google maps widget

  1. 'Insert button' feature. Add a button in Visual Editor and type in code to be executed after button is pressed. Supports both client-side (Javascript) and server-side (PHP/ASP) events.
  2. New databases support: Informix, DB2, SQLite, any ODBC-enabled (PHPRunner)
  3. AJAX-based pagination, sort, search

    Loop through your data without reloading the whole page.
  4. Add CAPTCHA to any page

    (Edit/Add/Login/Password reminder etc)

mmponline 11/2/2009

I can't wait to see the new styles and layouts in action. This will make PHPRunner even better than it's been up to now.
Thank you so much for your great work and excellent support.

mrcaseyman 11/2/2009

Here's my 2 cents worth:

In the Visual Editor, while changing the features of a specific field I would like a check box that I can select to hide the field. I often will use a dependent drop down to autofill a field from a choice made above but I don't want the user to see this happening. So I currently use "<TR style="DISPLAY: none">" for that row.

However, if I reset the page I have to go back and manually re-enter those changes.
Also, I would like to be able to manually re-order child links on the list page.
Thank you!

Abhijeet 11/5/2009

Great Job ! <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
I would love to see the newest version. But I am having a query which I have previously discussed. Putting it here for the first time. It is related to master detail relation.
Problem: Master Detail Relation should be enforced at the time of add and edit.

Need : If we have a single master and 2-3 detail tables and if I want only 1 detail record to be entered compulsorily, which is required by the

system. and other 2 details are optional to be entered. If a checkbox is put for every relation in the framework, when ticked, it will

enforce the relation at the time of data entry. As this is a must because the end user does not know which details are required to be

entered amongst the available detail records. Just creating a blank record by adding in the events won't help. The relation should be

enforced. As this facility is present in good database softwares like oracle. I think it will help a lot of coding to enforce relation

at every level. better be done by phprunner.
I am very thankfull to Kornilov. He is a wonderful man. I hope to get it done. Thank you.

krisrianto 11/10/2009

how about group access control where each group administrator can change the access control of people below them but cannot see the page of the other groups and cannot change their permission. Each page have the option which group can see the screen (can be more than one).

daviesgh 11/10/2009

Just a few suggestions for the next version:

  1. The code for menu permissions is in every _list.php file. In my application that means 689 lines on code in every _list.php is the same. Why not generate it once and put it as an include file?
  2. In the Visual Editor, can you change the Find option to remember the last string searched for. Even better remember the last 5/10 searches
  3. In the Tables window, if you have a large number of tables it can be quite difficult to see them and to see all the master/detail relationships. With the number of tables and custom views I have, I need to scroll through 5 pages to see them all. Could you have an option to hide the field names?
  4. I am just changing from PHPrunner 4.1 to 5.1 and there are some parts of the program that run much slower. Moving to the Table Window is extremely slow (approx 20 seconds - for 30 database tables and 20 custom views), and moving to the Visual Editor or Theme Windows takes around 8 seconds. Once in the Visual Editor or Theme Windows, there is only sometimes a small delay moving to a difference table/custom view. There was very little delay using PHPRunner 4.1 (Laptop Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz 2GB RAM Win XP)
  5. Can pages in the Visual Editor which need to be Reset be marked somehow?
  6. The style.ccs is now very complicated. Do there really need to be so many difference styles? It is very difficult to make any changes to the style sheet because it is so long.
  7. Are there any plans to introduce Multi-page/tabbed add/edit through the use of javascript or similar? In PHPMaker, javascript is used to selectively show/hide fields giving a effective tabbed window.
  8. In the Events editor, If you have a long line of code and use the scroll bar to see it, and then use the arrow keys to move down a line, the PHPRunner Event Description sometimes does not scroll back properly to the left hand side. e.g what you see at the top on the first line is 'escription' instead of 'Description'. Why scroll the PHPRunner Event Description at all?
  9. Most areas of PHPRunner now use $message for error messages. source\remind.php uses $StrMessage. Why? Can $message be defined at the start of source\list.php and assigned before displaying the list.htm page.

Jane 11/11/2009

thank you for sharing your ideas.

We'll add all suggestions to our 'to-do' list. Some of these features will be added in the next version.
Regarding the point 7.

You can implement tabs on the add/edit pages manually. Here is a sample:

daviesgh 11/13/2009

Thanks for your suggestion to implement tabs.
When do you expect the beta to be available and do you have any idea on a release date for PHPRunner 5.2?

NetHawk 11/24/2009

One question regarding the SQLite support: if SQLite is used on common web server, the database version depends, how it is accessed. Only if SQLite is accessed via PDO the (actual and preferred) version 3 is used. Are you using PDO?

ckapote 11/29/2009

Very good job as always PHPrunner team ! We are all waiting the new version 5.2 .
Please allow me to add my comment / suggestion regarding the updating Master / detail table at the same time which is very important im my job .

I would propose that we could cteate a grid edit option for fast editing or adding in the detail table to avoid pressing the tab button to much time to get from the field the various static fields to these required to be updated .
Thanks and keep us informed !

krisrianto 12/2/2009

Hello we are eagerly anticipating the release of phprunner 5.2. Any news?

KevinMillican 12/4/2009

9. Charts update. Multiple series (unlimited), charts preview (requires a local web server), gauge charts (horizontal, vertical, circular), accumulation charts, scrollable charts, financial charts, bubble charts. Chart auto-refresh by specified time interval.
More info on new chart types:


Will the scatter charts be included ?

chaintm 12/7/2009

9 in Gordons post I agree with , this is something I manually code around, but a simple default error page and or re-direct to errors would be good <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I would love to re-direct my users to a page to fill out if they do get any error and or allow a skip and go to another page or previous. Eh just a thought, seems simple enough to add in. I do this now, but having this for future projects just there in front of me to fill out just ups my dev time to do other things. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


4414 12/8/2009

Any update on a potential release date? <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Eagerly awaiting!

electromotive 12/14/2009

I know this is too late for phpr 5.2, but in the next release I would like to see an option for list pages, which would keep the header and column titles fixed on the page, and scroll only the rows. It could optionally use ajax for improved performance (rather than reload the whole page). There's quite a bit of activity using jQuery grids of this sort. Here is but one example:
Try the advanced/master-detail demo for fun. It would give phpr a real web 2.0 feeling.

meirco 1/17/2010

any enhancement to the report writer ?.

hichem 1/21/2010

I know this is too late for phpr 5.2, but in the next release I would like to see an option for list pages, which would keep the header and column titles fixed on the page, and scroll only the rows. It could optionally use ajax for improved performance (rather than reload the whole page). There's quite a bit of activity using jQuery grids of this sort. Here is but one example:
Try the advanced/master-detail demo for fun. It would give phpr a real web 2.0 feeling.

Absolutely agree! I like the column chooser, grid resizing as I do have tables with many columns which tend to distort the (london) template I use.

Big thumbs up for the ASPR development team for the latest release and am sure the next version will see some UI improvement towards web 2.0.

memoday 2/6/2010

[size="5"]Thanks for the great new features. Very sad though to see that gantt chart is not included <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />