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 PHPRunner 4.1 release candidate 2 (build 305)

7/24/2007 4:44:45 PM
PHPRunner General questions
Sergey Kornilov

PHPRunner 4.1 release candidate 2
Update (build 305, September 10th)

  • fixed two dependent dropdowns issue on the search page
  • fixed Chart Advanced Search page not available in Visual Editor
  • fixed dependent dropdown boxes when dependent control has space in it's name
    Update (build 304, September 6th)
  • Link to Advanced Search on the chart page with Group Security enabled
    Update (build 303, September 5th)
  • fixed inline edit error when regular edit page is not created
  • fixed print selected prints all records vs selected ones
  • added: Lookup wizard can be set to use "View as" type HTML
  • added: Lookup wizard implemented as edit box with AJAX popup can be a dependent control
  • fixed mixed case filenames in some templates (Vacation and others)
    Update (build 300, August 24, 2007)
  • PHPRunner now parses complex nested queries properly
  • fixed multiselect List box in inline mode
  • fixed Save button label when multiple languages selected in the project
  • fixed calendar button on regular add page
    Update (build 297, August 21, 2007)
  • fixed bug with duplicate record inserted after Save All is clicked
  • fixed bug with Reports - edit own data mode
  • Inline Add/Edit - password field bug fixed
  • details preview window stays on the page if you move your mouse fast enough
    Update (build 295, August 20, 2007)
  • required fields in inline mode
  • Line chart labels
  • Inline Edit when Export is turned off
  • Fixed Edit box with AJAX popup based on custom MySql expression
    Update (build 288, August 2, 2007)
  • fixed inline edit/add related issue in layouts other than Default
    Update (build 286, August 1, 2007)
  • another rich text editor fix in inline mode
  • inline add/edit validation fix in Firefox
    Update (build 285, July 31, 2007)

    Fixed in this update:
  • Insert a field function
  • Rich Text Editors work in inline mode
  • Fixed AfterSuccessfulLogin event executed when login page is accessed first time
    This beta can be installed to the separate directory. You may keep the previous version of PHPRunner and run both versions side by side.
    Download links:
    What's new in this version:
  • New events/extended list of parameters available in each event

    Documentation draft on new events:
  • Inline Add/Edit on the list page. Add/Edit multiple records at once.

    Inline Add/Edit use the same input controls that appear on regular Add/Edit pages.

    All BeforeAdd/AfterAdd/BeforeEdit/AfterEdit events are supported by inline functions.

    Totals will be recalculated after new record is added or edited.
  • Security enhancements
  • Admin user is implemented as an Admin group which allows multiple admins
  • Separate OwnerID for each table
  • New, nice looking layouts

    Current beta supports the following layouts: Default, Amsterdam, Romeand Paris. For better results use style that matches layout name (except for Default layout that supports all styles). We work on adding inline functionality to other layouts.
  • HTML Editor enhancements (Search/Replace/Goto etc)
  • Insert a field function in Visual Editor
  • View as/Edit as settings dialog combined allowing to set View/Edit properties on any page
  • Formatting can be applied to lookup wizard fields

What's next

  • Add inline editing functionality to the rest of layouts
  • Add a couple more events
  • Release similar ASPRunnerPro update
  • Fix bugs and release a final version

As usually your feedback is appreciated.

horsey_kim 7/24/2007

Insert Field in visual editor is not working, click and nothing, tried both visual and in code mode too.
also I copied my modified style and layouts from my previous beta because I had a look I like and none of it converts. I have to start all over again. Is there a way that when updates are made that the same style code names can stay so you don't have to rewrite everything. When I modified I took a template I like and then keeping the same style names I just modified my css file.
Kim <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Sergey Kornilov 7/24/2007

please contact me directly - I need more info from you on both issues.

horsey_kim 7/24/2007

Thank you I will email you tomorrow the info. Closing up shop right now. Thanks and chat with you tomorrow.
Have a great evening,


kjp 7/25/2007

just installed and tried...
Have a little trouble after a search

the buttons "search" and "showall" are "renamed" with the search contain
sorry for the explain this is a gif:


kjp 7/25/2007

I reset ALL pages of my project

(not only one or two like in the previous test)
Unable to reproduce the little "bug"...
So disregard the previous post

morpheus 7/25/2007

I imported my project from a previous version and added the "in line add/edit" functions, I got a message saying error and when i looked at it there was no obvious error (all it showed was the normal "add/edit" window, i removed the inline edit from the project and now get a php error message "Undefined variable: inlineedit" the page after I submit an edit.

Alexey 7/25/2007


thank you for pointing me to these bugs.

Will fix then with the next update of PHPRunner.

ccuser 7/25/2007

Some really great improvements but I did find some issues:
• even after resetting all pages I still get the following error: Undefined variable: inlineedit on all add pages.

• the previously mentioned insert field button that does absolutely nothing


thank you for pointing me to these bugs.

Will fix then with the next update of PHPRunner.

Sergey Kornilov 7/25/2007

please contact me directly at I need to see a screenshot of PHPRunner wizard when you click "Insert a field" button.

Alexey 7/27/2007



we fixed these bugs.

Please install the latest update of PHPRunner available at:

and rebuild your projects.

kjp 7/27/2007

I reproduced it Yesterday (first built phpr41)

and was ready to send you a zip
Juste installed the new version 284
All is OK (for me)

morpheus 7/27/2007

Just downloaded the latest version with your fixes in and all seems fine except the inline add, when I try to commit a record it just says error but doesn't show anything in popup box?
apart from that its a fantastic piece of software, just waiting for my licence key now (ordered yesterday <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> )



we fixed these bugs.

Please install the latest update of PHPRunner available at:

and rebuild your projects.

kjp 7/27/2007

Still with a little "strange effect".
As I say I "rebuild" my apply with 284.

I just discover that on 5 pages , the "search" ajax combo works but when I select

the combo value => nothing is copied.

Only in the "normal search". Advanced works fine.

These 5 pages are "imported in an iframe" or linked from one of my site.
Everybody can see them, same rights than "guest", but I don't want everybody to enter in.
so they are modified : I'd deleted: the log /change passw / and quickjump.
My first post (button labels takes the combo value) was also on THESE pages
Is this the reason why?

kjp 7/27/2007

It's seems to be a Firefox PB?

Because The 5 pages are Ok with IE7.
Firefox 2 005 (French)
But I confirm :

the problem is only with These 5 pages, and only with FF.
I' m going to "recreate" these pages from scratch...

Sergey Kornilov 7/27/2007

you can post your app to Demo Account and send the URL to
Kjp, keep me posted on how it goes.

kjp 7/27/2007

I reset 4 pages

deleted jumpstart and so on ...

paste some text of mine

exactly like I did when I created some weeks ago.
Rebuilt, test with FF: OK
I let one page "with the special effect"

(I don't use it for the time).
If you want I give you the url, and I kept the both html code (8 lines more on the new one)

and the .._search. php (38211 oct vs 38110 )

Yaoyen 7/30/2007

Dear admin

After download & installed.the message,"You trial has expired. To continue use PHPRunner you have register your copy". How can I do ?Please help me!

Sergey Kornilov 7/31/2007

if your trial period expired you need to purchase this product.

jwoker 8/1/2007

I see many people talking about reseting pages and need to know is it just the list pages that need to be reset or do add, edit and print pages need to be reset as well?

jomppa10 8/1/2007

I see many people talking about reseting pages and need to know is it just the list pages that need to be reset or do add, edit and print pages need to be reset as well?


good question. I have 100 tables + 3 additional views for these tables and up to 8000 phpr (v.4.0 265) generated files. I have also modified each list, add, edit, print and master views in visual editor. So, I don't like to build up the project from a scratch very often.

jomppa10 8/1/2007

testing build 285:
-rich text editors still don't work properly in inline edit mode. Text areas open but you cannot put anything in them!

Allenh 8/1/2007

Using build 285 - I encounter the following problem.
I added a field to the table after the initial tables were uploaded, phprunner recognizes the new field, it's in the layouts, but when 'data' is added to the field it is not being saved into the DB - it reverts to a blank on submit - all other fields are working properly.

Yaoyen 8/1/2007


if your trial period expired you need to purchase this product.

I just installed the program 7/31. But i think i was use version 3.1before.Maybe that is registed problem.

Allenh 8/2/2007

password reminder emails come from - even though I've specified an email address.

jomppa10 8/2/2007

testing build 286:

  • layout: default, color schema: default --> works fine (also rich tex editor opens) so far.
  • layout: paris, color schema: default --> inline edit or inline add is not working at all!

daviesgh 8/2/2007

PHPRunner 4.1 Build 285
I can select fields for Inline Add/Edit from the Choose Fields page, generate pages, and the Inline Add/Edit appears to work
However when I go back to the Choose Fields page, those fields I selected for Inline Add/Edit are now not not selected. If I regenerate the pages, the Inline Add/Edit now have no fields. In fact the Inline Edit now goes to the Edit Page, even thought I didn't specify an edit page!

kwebb 8/2/2007

testing build 286:
Layout: Paris

Color schema: Paris
I'm still getting inlineedit/inlineadd errors during a save from an edit or add page that I have NOT enabled inline options on.... Same problem as build 283 & 285 (didn't test on 284)
Error Message:

Technical information

Error type 8

Error description Undefined variable: inlineedit

URL localhost/component_request/EE_MyOpenReviews_edit.php?

Error file C:\wamp\www\component_request\EE_MyOpenReviews_edit.php

Error line 54

SQL query update `_eereview` set

horsey_kim 8/2/2007

Using build 285,
Looking between firefox and IE - you can see that in firefox the page content bleeds over the top of my header. Is this fixed in build 286?
NOTE it only shows up on pages that I use the visual editor to edit. Normal generated unaltered pages are fine.
Kim <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

horsey_kim 8/2/2007

build 285
I also noticed on auto generated view pages that firefox spacing seems to be off. All the data is smashed to the top and missing some of the borders. But IE it is all nice and even looking. This fixed in 286?

Sergey Kornilov 8/2/2007

Hello everyone,
I just uploaded build 287 that fixes some inline editing related issues in layouts other than Default.

If you had any issues with previous builds install this one and reset pages that didn't work in Visual Editor.
If you have any issues with build 287 post your app to Demo Account and send the URL to

Do not forget to supply instructions on reproducing the error.

kwebb 8/2/2007

Tested build 287
Still the same inline edit and inline add problems as on previous revisions....
I created a new database with two fields


Turned OFF the inline edit and inline Add option and did a build.....
Tested with both "Default" and "Paris" theme
Add window comes up fine but when I attempt to save I get the following error:
PHP error happened
Technical information

Error type 8

Error description Undefined variable: inlineedit


Error file C:\UserAccounts\www\kevin_webb_radisys_com\inline_test_20070802095557\_table_add.php

Error line 34

SQL query
I posted this on your demo site.....

horsey_kim 8/2/2007

Build 285
Everytime I open a project it comes up with this message:
You have opened a project file created by an older version of the program, which does not have a project directory assigned. Click yes to choose a project directory.
I select yes and assign one. When I am done working I save the project and then the next time I open the project to do more work the same message comes up again. It never goes away.
Kim <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />

Sergey Kornilov 8/2/2007

when you open the project next time make sure you open it from the new location.

Sergey Kornilov 8/2/2007

thanks, I was finally able to get it right.

Download build 288 and let me know.

kwebb 8/3/2007


thanks, I was finally able to get it right.

Download build 288 and let me know.

Thanks Sergey.... Testing so far looks GREAT!

daviesgh 8/6/2007

PHPRunner 4.1 Build 288
I'm still having the same problem as raised in a previous post for build 285
I can select fields for Inline Add/Edit from the Choose Fields page, generate pages, and the Inline Add/Edit appears to work
However when I go back to the Choose Fields page, those fields I selected for Inline Add/Edit are now not not selected. If I regenerate the pages, the Inline Add/Edit now have no fields. In fact the Inline Edit now goes to the Edit Page, even thought I didn't specify an edit page!

Jayesh 8/6/2007

PHPRunner 4.1 beta

Update (build 288, August 2, 2007)

  • fixed inline edit/add related issue in layouts other than Default
    Update (build 286, August 1, 2007)
  • another rich text editor fix in inline mode
  • inline add/edit validation fix in Firefox
    Update (build 285, July 31, 2007)

    Fixed in this update:
  • Insert a field function
  • Rich Text Editors work in inline mode
  • Fixed AfterSuccessfulLogin event executed when login page is accessed first time
    This beta can be installed to the separate directory. You may keep the previous version of PHPRunner and run both versions side by side.
    Download links:
    What's new in this version:
  • New events/extended list of parameters available in each event

    Documentation draft on new events:
  • Inline Add/Edit on the list page. Add/Edit multiple records at once.

    Inline Add/Edit use the same input controls that appear on regular Add/Edit pages.

    All BeforeAdd/AfterAdd/BeforeEdit/AfterEdit events are supported by inline functions.

    Totals will be recalculated after new record is added or edited.
  • Security enhancements
  • Admin user is implemented as an Admin group which allows multiple admins
  • Separate OwnerID for each table
  • New, nice looking layouts

    Current beta supports the following layouts: Default, Amsterdam, Romeand Paris. For better results use style that matches layout name (except for Default layout that supports all styles). We work on adding inline functionality to other layouts.
  • HTML Editor enhancements (Search/Replace/Goto etc)
  • Insert a field function in Visual Editor
  • View as/Edit as settings dialog combined allowing to set View/Edit properties on any page
  • Formatting can be applied to lookup wizard fields

    What's next
  • Add inline editing functionality to the rest of layouts
  • Add a couple more events
  • Release similar ASPRunnerPro update
  • Fix bugs and release a final version

    As usually your feedback is appreciated.

Do u have ASP version of inline Edit..... This PHP Runner

Sergey Kornilov 8/6/2007

please post your app to Demo Account and send me a link.
ASP version is not ready yet. Hopefully will be available later this week.

daviesgh 8/17/2007

Are you planning another beta release, as there has not been one for a couple of weeks. I know that I still have some outstanding issues (previously posted on forum):
1 - Inline Edit/Adds not working in PHPRunner on projects that were initially created in PHPRunner 4.0
2 - Number of Lines per Page in the Report:Miscellaneous page in PHPRunner is ignored and also not applicable to Group Reports

Sergey Kornilov 8/17/2007

yes, we plan to have a release candidate next week. I believe we are close.
I'd appreciate you can supply more info on this.
To add inline add/edit functionality to your PHPRunner 4.0 project you need to reset the list page.
Number of lines also works as expected. Here is the example:

Number of lines is set to 10. Click "Print whole report" link to see the printer-friendly page formatted 10 lines per page.
If you know how to reproduce any of those issues post your app to demo account drop me a note with steps on reproducing those issues.

hugolesme 8/25/2007


yes, we plan to have a release candidate next week. I believe we are close.
I'd appreciate you can supply more info on this.
To add inline add/edit functionality to your PHPRunner 4.0 project you need to reset the list page.
Number of lines also works as expected. Here is the example:

Number of lines is set to 10. Click "Print whole report" link to see the printer-friendly page formatted 10 lines per page.
If you know how to reproduce any of those issues post your app to demo account drop me a note with steps on reproducing those issues.

The link is not working

Sergey Kornilov 8/25/2007

It seems I has deleted it.
Do you also having problem with number of lines setting?
You can post your link here.

daviesgh 9/6/2007

I have a few minor issues/fixes/enhancements for Build 303:
changepwd.php in source

Rename $strMessage to $message to be consistent with rest of PHPRunner

Uncomment //if($newpass!=$opass) on line 46 and add error message after line 74 with error "New Password must be different to old Password"
list.php in source

Add $message in List Page
Add on Line 27

$message = '';
Add on Line 1094

login.php in source

Rename $strMessage to $message to be consistent with rest of PHPRunner
report.php in source

It appears that on line 229, the number of records per page is always set to 20, even if a different number of records is selected in the Report:Miscellaneous page in PHPRunner. Also for Group reports, the number of group records is always set to 5. In Report:Miscellaneous page in PHPRunner, there is no provision for setting the number of group records for a group report. in source/include

function db_insertid($qhandle) is available in, but missing in

function db_insertid($qhandle)


$strSQL = "select @@IDENTITY as indent";

$rs = db_query($strSQL,$qhandle);

$row = db_fetch_array($rs);

return $row["indent"];

changepwd.htm in templates/layouts/Default

Add references to header and footer for changepwd
Add on Line 27 (after {/literal})

{include_if_exists file="include/header.##@ext##"}
Add after Line 122 (after </script>)

{include_if_exists file="include/footer.##@ext##"}
login.htm in templates/layouts/Default

The <div style="height:33%"> around the header has been causing me problems. Can this be removed?
Change Line 9 from

<div style="height:33%">{include_if_exists file="include/header.##@ext##"}</div>


{include_if_exists file="include/header.##@ext##"}
style.css in templates/styles/Default
Error in Line 365

COLOR: black

Should be COLOR: black;
Error in Line 806

COLOR: #black;

Should be COLOR: black;
Is it necessary to have so many references to the FONT-FAMILY when most of them are the same? The default FONT-FAMILY and FONT-SIZE could be declared in BODY
When do you expect a final version?

Alexey 9/6/2007

thank you for your feedback.

please see my comments below.
Rename $strMessage to $message to be consistent with rest of PHPRunner

Ok. in source/include

Thank you for sharing your code. We'll use it in file.

The <div style="height:33%"> around the header has been causing me problems. Can this be removed?

No, it's needed to display the page if no header.php supplied.
style.css in templates/styles/Default

Thank you for pointing me to these bugs.
report.php in source

Number of lines setting affects Priner-friendly page only.

I suppose we can apply it to report page as well.
Thank you for sharing your ideas. We'll add them to our suggestion list.

mhoerner 9/8/2007

I think there is an error in template: Madrid and color schema: default.
If I want to change an entry there appear an error:
Error type: 8

Error: Undefined variable: dataold


Sergey Kornilov 9/9/2007

please post your app to Demo Account (last tab in PHPRunner) and send the URL to

mhoerner 9/10/2007

Thanks! I have done it.



Sergey Kornilov 9/10/2007

what email address it should be coming from?

mhoerner 9/11/2007

I write it again to you by mail.
