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Using checkboxes

4/14/2004 1:02:27 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
geirf author

I'm evaluating ASPRunner and I have some problems with using checkboxes in my solution, and I do not understand why.
It is no problem to create the checkbox but the solution does not react on it. I have put a response.write statement that shows the "on" value is there. But in the generated code it does the following check:
nType = Request.Form("FieldType")(i)
strSQL=strSQL & AddWrappers(Request.Form("FieldName")(i)) & "="

' boolean

if nType="11" then

if Request.Form(Request.Form("FieldName")(i))="on" then




end if
Well, when executiing the page, it will never reach nType=11,
Why, is it because I am using a wrong datatype in my oracle database, or what?
What can I do to make checkbox to work?