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3/19/2004 4:05:41 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions

I need your detail instructions since I am new. I am ready to upload my file to my isp and need your help with the following:
My ISP account has the following directory:




I want to put my access data base in a save directory and I think I need to configure my code. Please help. I believe the database file must be stored in

\database directory. Please provide me with the code
In the ASP output directory. I have three subdirectories and asp files.

The directories are db, images, and include.

Do I need to upload whole files in each directory?

If so, where do I upload these files?

Then, I have asp files. where do I upload the asp files?
Thank you,

Sergey Kornilov 3/19/2004

Which directory is your WWW root?
I guess this is private, just need to double check.

501040 3/19/2004

No Those directories are under root directory
My ISP account has the following directory:
\htdocs - this is the root directory

\bin - \htdocs\bin

\cgi-bin - \htdocs\cgi-bin

\images - \htdocs\images

\database - \htdocs\_database

\private - \htdocs\_private

Sergey Kornilov 3/20/2004

I'm confused.

\database - \htdocs\_database

Which one is what?
What do you see when you connect to your Web hosting via FTP?

501041 3/20/2004

This is what I see when I log on.

htdocs is the root directory.

\bin, \cgi-bin and etc are subdirectories. There should be some indentation, but somehow this bulletin do not show it even I put some spaces. So, I use ---- to show indentation here.

---- \bin

---- \cgi-bin

---- \images

---- \database

---- \private

Sergey Kornilov 3/20/2004

I see what you saying. What is strange here - database folder is not outside WWW root (htdocs).
Could you clarify this issue with your hosting provider?

501042 3/20/2004

It is outside root (htdocs)
The path of the databsae directory is


Thus, database is subdirectory of htdocs.
do I misunderstand you?

Please explain and let me know where database directory should be.

501043 3/20/2004

There are some correction. I did not copy some of them correctly.

There are under score bars in the beginning of directory name for the database and private. I dont know if this make difference and I dont quite understand what it means.

---- \bin

---- \cgi-bin

---- \images

---- \_database

---- \_private

Sergey Kornilov 3/22/2004

The correct setup means your DATABASE folder should be on the same level as HTDOCS folder.



etc ...

501044 3/22/2004

Please check your email.
I emailed you the absolute path of the database directory.