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Column Average

2/22/2004 11:31:48 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
chhuey1 author

Wondering how to get an average of a column?
Each row has a different numerical value. I'd like to be able to display the average of these values in the bottom row of the table.
Is this possible?

Sergey Kornilov 2/23/2004

I would add the following snippet of code after the main table with results displayed. You will need to replace column names and table names accordingly.

set dbConnection = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")

dbConnection.ConnectionString = strConnection

Set rsAvg = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")

strSQL = "select  from Avg(col1) as Avg1, Avg(col2) as Avg2, Avg(col3) as Avg3 from TableName" strSQL, dbConnection

Response.Write rsAvg("Avg1")

Response.Write rsAvg("Avg2")

Response.Write rsAvg("Avg3")


set rsAvg = Nothing


set dbConnection = nothing

Let me know if you need some help implementing this.

chhuey1 author 2/23/2004

Hi Sergey,
Thanks for the response.
Looks like I am going to need some help with this.
The numeric values are all listed in the same column "Scores". I need an average of the column, even if it's dynamic and changes depending on the search criteria.
Thanks again!

Sergey Kornilov 2/23/2004

I see what's you saying.
Please zip and send me all files from ASPRunner's output folder with subfolders including your sample database. Just send it to support AT I'll make changes and send it back to you.