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Connect to Oracle Problems

10/30/2006 4:50:51 AM
PHPRunner General questions
Hackepeter author

Hi there,
sorry for this bad english...
I´m using PHPRunner 3.1 on a windows XP with Oracle Client 9i installed.

The database is located on a unix-server.
What do I have to type into the fields on step 2 of a new project?
From my pc I don´t have any problem to connect to the database server with the oracle sql-developer-tool.
Is there any syntax needed to "build" the string for the field "database" on the screen of step 2?
thanx for every hint

Alexey 10/30/2006

PHPRunner uses standard Oracle connection mechanism.

You need to create a Service at your local box to connect Oracle database.
Run Oracle Net Configuration Assistant and create a Local Net Service Name there.

You'll be prompted for Net Service Name on the last step.

Type in any name then use this name in Database field in PHPRunner.

Hackepeter author 10/30/2006

Thanx Alexey,
It works - fine. It might be good for all "newbies" if this will be mentioned in the help files somewhere.
greetings Hackepeter