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ASP Errors

3/26/2003 9:58:53 AM
ASPRunnerPro General questions

I am still getting Error number -2147217900

Error description [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

URL /facilities/SprojTracking/Results_edit.asp

SQL query update [Results] set [WO Number]='M0331681', Date='03/20/2003', [Project Description]='Install Door Closers', [String Number]='', Status='Held', [Project Type]='Capital Safety', [Project Manager]='' where [WO Number]='M0331681'

Is there somthing I can look for. I am displying the page okay but can not add or edit database. Can I send the asp output file to you?

admin 3/26/2003


update [Results] set [WO Number]='M0331681', Date='03/20/2003', [Project Description]='Install Door Closers', [String Number]='', Status='Held', [Project Type]='Capital Safety', [Project Manager]='' where [WO Number]='M0331681'

Dateis the reserved word in MS Access. I would recommend to change this field name and rebuild ASP pages.
You can also see topic Error: Syntax error in UPDATE statement. in ASPRunner FAQ.
Sergey Kornilov