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 Multi-user login (Advanced Security settings)

2/3/2004 9:23:08 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions
kneeon author

I am having trouble getting the UserID in my DB field populated with the ID # from the User Table within my database. Once this works, then users will only be able to view the information which they have entered and no one elses.
This program has been great so far and I'm sure its something very simple. Just remember, once this is published I will have no choice but to buy this application to maintain my clients request, and I am more than happy to do it.
Please respond. thanks.

Sergey Kornilov 2/3/2004

could you give more info on this?

Do you need to populate it manually or automatically?

kneeon author 2/3/2004

When I sign in as anyone other than "admin" I get the error as ofllows:
Technical information

Error number -2147217913

Error description [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type

mismatch in criteria expression.

URL /OnlineMedSupplyRegister_list.asp

SQL query select [CallCtrID], [CustomerID], [TransactionDate],

[FirstName], [LastName], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [State], [ZIPCode],

[PhoneNumber], [AccountType], [RoutingNum], [AccountNumber], [AcctName],

[BankName], [BankAddress], [BankState], [BankZIP], [BankPhone],

[VerificationNum], [VerifiedBY], [VerifyDate], [Status], [SettledVal],

[Notes] From [OnlineMedSupplyRegister] where (1=0 ) and CallCtrID = 5
the callctrid varies as each user logs in. Admin is 1 as per the manual in your application and the go up to 9 for various users who may join us in the future.
When I log in as lets say ims, I first get the error when loggin in but I've noticed thru trials that the ID# from the USers table is not populating the DB with the ID#.
You may check it out at the site
you may use the id
admin / offer43
ims / montreal1
I need autopopulation as the records entered will be in the thousands.

Sergey Kornilov 2/3/2004

I see what you saying.
Please download latest ASPRunner update here and rebuild ASP pages. Make sure that CallCtrID field don't appear on the Add page (in this case it will be populated automatically using ID of logged user).
Not sure about Error number -2147217913 you getting. This SQL query looks like something was changed manually on the ASP page.
Let me know if downloading latest update and rebuilding pages fixed the problem.

500998 2/4/2004

I have rebuilt the DB with the new version and that has rid me of the user login problem. I have also recreated the Users table using AutoNumber. I will rebuild the complete thing this evening (EST) and try it again. Last night I was still experiencing security issues with one users login able to view anothers data entry.
I will advise you on the outcome and thanks for the speedy response. Serge.

500999 2/5/2004

Well everything was well till this morning when I decided I wanted to move 2 items to a different location on the LIST page. Now I have to go back and correct a few OTHER items that got switched in the transitin.
So what I did was reconstruct the ASP project with the ID field of my main datasource as the first column, and in the Users Table I used AutoNumber as shown in the manual.
The program worked like a charm, but it does have some issues when shifting items after doing a SAVE Project and then editting the Project. This can be overcome, but can be a nuisance.
Also how come all the fields in the ASP pages have NeedQuotes text? Can they be removed easily or will this screw things up? Just curious!
The only other feature that I think I would like to implement is the following:
Any registered user can add data

Any registered user can view their own data

All users except ADMIN cannot edit data.
ONLY Admin can edit all datafields.
Can this be configured using the 1 table for USERS?
Hope I havent confused you.

501000 2/5/2004

As im at work im showing as guest.
I was also wondering if I could edit the layout of where the fields sit on the ADD page and if I may add company logos or banners to the Login, Show, Add, Edit pages.???? May I use Dreamweaver Ultra Dev for this without causing problems.???