Hello There,
I have successfully connected to a mapping API and get the output I desire. I am able to create fields based on the output.
Unfortunately, in order for the search to work, I have to enter X & Y coordinates by inputting them into the URL like so: ?geometry=-87.123456%2C43.123456&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint.....
I have tried this: ?geometry=:{filter.lat}%2C:{filter.lon}&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint...... and when I go to "Run Request" a little window pops up and I am able to enter the X & Y...this is exactly what I want. The issue is I don't know how to make those fields available to search on in the application. Do I create a new field? I have tried making a new field just so lat and lon show up in the project, but when I go to search, I get no results back.
Thank you in advance for any assistance,