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How i can remove HTML code from the body text of an email .

12/19/2024 7:43:18 AM
PHPRunner General questions
Jan author

I add content to a table with a text editor, the field type of which is longint.
Because the content contains html code, the field properties are set to "HTML" See screenshot below

img alt

but if I send the content of this field by email, the body of the email will contain the text with the html content.See screenshot below

img alt

Is there a way to show field content without the html code? Thanks for your help

copper21 12/19/2024

Do you have html set up in your runner_mail array?

Maybe try adding: 'htmlbody' => $msg to your runner_mail array.

Jan author 12/19/2024

I'm going to try this, thanks for the tip!