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Which php code

10/5/2024 8:00:11 AM
PHPRunner General questions
Jan author
With which php code can I write a text label of a button in a variable? Thanks
Jan author 10/7/2024

Dear, thank you for your answer. But this is not the answer to the question I asked. I probably was too vague about the question I asked.
I have custom button (custom_button1) , with label text = "my button". By clicking on the button I want to write the label text to a variable, I need code for that. Unfortunately I can't find any example code, what code can I use for this? Thanks.

HJB 10/7/2024

... for inspiration purposes only ..., one proposal is exactly talking about your wished functionality, except
your wish to get it in PHP code.

fhumanes 10/7/2024