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Calendar - missing calendar disply

5/24/2024 3:55:44 PM
PHPRunner General questions
Bill Walker authorDevClub member

Hello Devs,
I have the Calendar template installed. I created a project based on that templatek, built it and run it.
I can see the list and other pages of all tables.
The one thing I don't see is the CALENDAR itself. Did I miss something in the instructions? Whatever I do I cannot find how to display the CALENDAR.
Any help/direction you could provide is appreciated.
Newbie Bill

Bill Walker authorDevClub member 5/24/2024

I am using version 10.91 build #41974

admin 5/24/2024

Can we see some screenshots? Like what tables do you see in the menu?

Bill Walker authorDevClub member 5/25/2024

Sure, hear are the menu and the default list page.
Hope they help. Thx

img alt

img alt

Bill Walker authorDevClub member 5/25/2024

I just tried it using v10.8 and v10.9 and the template works in both those versions but not v10.91, at least not in mine.

Bill Walker authorDevClub member 5/25/2024

It's working now. I just brought the calendar template over from my 10.9 installation folder to the 10.91 folder and all seems to be well.
Now to bring this into my project to see if it works there. If it doesn't I will post again here.
Thanks for being here,
Bill Walker

Bill Walker authorDevClub member 5/25/2024

No, it's still not working.
I do see a calendar now but I cannot edit and entry and I cannot move an entry to a different time and week & day views do not show the whole timeframe.
So I still need some help if anyone might know what's going on.
And I have no idea how to 'UN-solved' this thread.

Chris Whitehead 5/25/2024

@Bill Are you getting any errors in the console?

Bill Walker authorDevClub member 5/26/2024

Chris, Thanks for your response.

I have started over from scratch.
1 redownloaded the template pack.
2 unzipped in the appropriate phpr folder
3 created a new Calendar project

All seems to be working correctly.
I will now import the Calendar template into my project. Hopefully it will keep working inside the project.
I will report my results when completed.

Bill Walker authorDevClub member 5/26/2024

Everything seemed to be working with the exception of 'EDITs'.
When I click on a scheduled item a dialog opens asking me to click 'EDIT' or 'DELETE'. The delete button works, deleting the scheduled event, but the edit button does not open the edit form, the dialog just closes leaving the scheduled event in place.
The above issue was fixed by adding a field to my personnel table (calendar user table replacement) named group and populating it with 'admin'.
Everything is now working!
Thanks for listening to my long winded descriptions of what I was experiencing.

admin 5/26/2024

When you are adding a template to your project, make sure that you also assign permissions to Calendar tables. This is the most likely reason for Edit/Delete functionality not working.