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PHPRunner 11 Final Bugs

5/2/2024 8:44:22 PM
PHPRunner General questions
Sun author
  1. SFTP
  2. . Charts

1.SFTP on version 11.15 is not listing the directory. The same settings are working on version 10.91. Additionally, the FTP credentials are not saved by the PHPRunner. Once you close the FTP upload window, it will remove all credentials entered when reopening the same upload dialogue window.”

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But the same settings working on V 10.91

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2. Charts
Charts that were perfect in v10.91 are not loading quickly in v11.15, and even when they do load, they appear unrecognizable.

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Sun author 5/2/2024

I think the chart problem is due to incorrect SQL query processing in v11.15. I can see several duplicate values on the charts. Same query work perfect in previous versions.

MikeUk 5/3/2024

Here are more.
The colorpicker is not installed
The whereTabs are missing and generate an error.

Also, in table settings when clicking a table you can not modify the fields as the table menu has disappeared.
Selecting a table does not highlight the table in the table list.

I think the new interface is good, I was expecting a different type field organiser with a preview, perhaps something like bootstrap?

cristi 5/3/2024

Even more...

I can't define type for database fiels:

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...and if I can't do this there is no point in continuing with the rest of the app

errors in the app:

Database - SQL error

at runnerException (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\projectProtocol\errors.js:190:19)
at runnerThrow (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\projectProtocol\errors.js:185:11)
at DbConnectionPHPMySQL.query (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\database\dbPHP.js:129:38)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at MySQLFunctions.getTableInfo (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\database\mysqlfunctions.js:30:24)
at DBController.processCommand (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\database\dbcontroller.js:63:37)
at DBController.processRequest (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\database\dbcontroller.js:24:46)
at ProjectController.processRequest (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\projectApi\projectController.js:109:32)
at ProjectController.process (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\projectApi\projectController.js:58:24)
at (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\transport\projecttransportfused.js:56:24)
at ProjectTransportFused.runDb (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\transport\projecttransportfused.js:63:16)
at InstanceManager.runTransport (C:\Users\Cristi\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\instance\manager.js:57:28)
at WebContents.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:89579)

Connection is done through php tunneling script - I couldn't find a new one in the folder app so i used an old one from phprunner 10.91 - I am talking about the phprunner.php file that allows us to connect to a database remotely - maybe because of this?
If I create a table from mysql admin this table is not recognized by the application when I sync the database.
The only thing that works is creation of the empty database.

Also if i close and try to open again the application I get this:

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And I have many postgresql server processes in task manager???

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cristi 5/3/2024

Hmmm...this is bad and I don't like it...

The application is creating multiple postgresql server instances in task manager - I can't ger rid of them by end task - they reapper immediatly, the only solution is to restart pc.

Jan K. van Dalen 5/3/2024

When importing project, the database connection settings are not correct:

Phprunner 10.x

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Phprunner 11

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Jan K. van Dalen 5/3/2024
mic'',) 5/3/2024

Tons of BUGS, but no problem in v10.91

Database - SQL error
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT e.`ReportTo` FROM `employees` AS e WHERE e.`UID`=o.`SalesRep_ID`) AS 'HEA' at line 2
(SELECT e.`ReportTo` FROM `employees` AS e WHERE e.`UID`=o.`SalesRep_ID`) AS 'HEAD ID',
o.`SalesRep_ID` AS 'SALESMAN',
o.`OrderDate` AS 'ORDER DATE',
o.`DeliveryDate` AS 'DELIVERY DATE'
FROM `order` as o
at DbConnectionMySQL.query (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\database\dbMysql.js:11:10)
at DBController.processCommand (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\database\dbcontroller.js:11:39)
at DBController.processRequest (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\database\dbcontroller.js:11:45)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:11:3)
at ProjectController.processRequest (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\projectApi\projectController.js:11:25)
at ProjectController.process (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\server\src\projectApi\projectController.js:11:24)
at (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\transport\projecttransportfused.js:11:24)
at ProjectTransportFused.runDb (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\transport\projecttransportfused.js:11:10)
at InstanceManager.runTransport (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\instance\manager.js:11:25)
at WebContents.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:1:1)
HJB 5/3/2024

@cristi - Exactly the very same you had been mentioning is appearing at my end too.

Windows 11 Home - 64 bit, PHP 8.30 and latest MySQL version, under XAMPP and WAMP.
Fully agree that once the fields could not be created within the app itself, the productivity is
suffering that way, one loses the motivation to continue like that or worst, to first hop over
to PHPmyADMIN or else for field format setting tools.

Sure, it's not easy of what the v11 is meant to be in first instance, to provide among others
MULTI-USER functionality rather v10 oriented compatibility with all code snippets and plugins
seen in the past. It's a comparably new product, 1st meant to enable groups of developers from
worldwide locations to design and create apps in record time and hence to provide a breakthrough
within the app industry. Being so, I'm not lamenting here at all, as particularly the new thing either
stands or falls with the provision of a trouble-free "record locking" functionality here (a truly MUST)
hence, I fully agree:

ROME was not built in just one day!

cristi 5/3/2024

@HJB - you're right...maybe I was spoiled with the versions before which had litlle to no bugs....
The problem here is that even if I create these tables in MySql admin console the application does not recognize them - big bummer here - I suspect that this is probably because of the tunneling script which needs to be rewritten for this version.
This "relese" version is a late alfa at most...let's be honest here.
I see that even if I received the email announcement about the "wait is over" (and probably all members that have an active licence/maintenance plan) on the first page for trial download 10.91 is still there so even the developers don't trust this 11 release much....
The danger here is loosing a lot of time ironing all these bugs and little to no time for developing new features this being still a RAD tool at its roots.
And yes, Rome was not built in one day but maintenance plans are not free and in my latest plan if I draw the line I saw no new release but only this 11 version that has a very long developement phase and who knows when it will end...
If I can help with something please just ask.

HJB 5/3/2024

Bug fixing shall happen comparably very fast, from now, I think, and much earlier than the usual one year up to 100%.
The biggest advantage of this yet still buggy release, I think, is the effect which is connected with the term "multi-user".
In other words, as a single developer it still possible to find market among the small scale to medium sized companies
while the BigWigs are shunning to with only one developer. Reason is: If something is happening to the developer like
illness, vacation, sudden death, who shall be responsible to care of the project development and its caring? When you
are giving the "freelancer" sites on availbility of single developer availability a deeper look, hourly rates are going as low
$12 (tax-free, hidden job, awesome "code against cash" atmosphere). Back to multi-user terms. In fact, M$ is the winner
via Azure and Excel based operations (spreedsheet technology is by far differing from database technology) which can
satisfy ordinary needs in the offices arenas.M$ banned PHP support in full some two years ago (AFAIR) which means,
by doing so, their company clients won't over to the real database experience, fearing that lack of support would / could
cause some harm at their end. But, again, "ROME was not built in just one day"..., as soon as some major bugs are out,
I'm sure that quite a number multi-user groups shall form sooner than later, aiming to reclaim lost terrain to 365 hostages.
Not to forget to mention,while it took Xlinesoft some 15 months development time on the shift from version 9 to 10 level,
the version 11 shall soon reach 2 years time from its develoment start. As some good things are usally taking a little longer,
I personally have no doubt at all that the Xlinesoft team shall fix things in no distant time and being so, we should honour
the great job done here so far over years now to free all of us from the now Internet Explorer engine where version 10
users shall be caught forever, unless they are finally hopping over to the version 11 as and when due.

jackwood 5/3/2024

Bugs/ Incomplete Software I Found:

  1. Error when I Click Search Panel
  2. No Option Installation Directory where I must Install the Software. Currently default to: C:\Users\Profile\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11
  3. No Help Documentation

I believe this is the best software and will stable in the few weeks.

I 5/4/2024

In the old version I can select which template I want to use (for example Invoice template). As far as I can see that is not possible in phprunner 11. I assume this will be made possible in the future?

Salvo 5/4/2024

Terrible software, unnecessarily expensive. What was the point of releasing such a version riddled with endless bugs? It's a shame that I can't ask for a refund, otherwise I would have already done so.

DRCR Dev 5/4/2024

These brutal attacks need to be taken from a 13 down to a 2. They don't solve anything except to vent frustration.

If you've ever written something large from stratch, remember these:

  • It takes 3 times longer then you originally thought
  • The relationships between features grow exponentially, every single change / correction needs correcting everywhere else

Version 11 should have been written years ago, quietly, discreetly and released by surprise. Unfortunatly a pay per year model can mean a sudden collapse of revenues while a large project update is in the works - so it's been a quiet extension of release date, muliple times, trying to upset the fewest people without having a mass exodus of users.

We're probably 2-3 months from a solid product.

If I was the lead developer, I might extend users memberships to give them enough time to see the working, polished product - that could hush some of the negativity which is stemming from the lack of updates over the last year.

cristi 5/4/2024

@DRCR Dev: - actually I did write! - and I never released to clients something final in beta state - they are not paying to be my betatesters no? -sadly this is a trend now in the industry: rushed, unfinished buggy products and we let the customers to be our betatesters.
I don't need extensions of payed plans or whatever - after all there are no obligations from the developers of PHPRunner to release "x" major versions and "y" minor versions in a year with "z" new features...but after all the waiting I was expecting more...and not just more waiting.
You fail to see the problem here: this version was sent as final to us...and it's not...and this is not some free piece of code from github. I expect something else from a payed subscription and with the kind of competition that exists on this market.

Of course it will be made in a proper way at some time like all the things in the universe.
I did not said anything while in beta state but it's final now and it is very buggy - not just one or two things.

And on a positive tone I did offered my help - maybe others can too in their spare time and with knowledge in translating help, strings, writing pieces of code, etc and this way the developers can have more time at their disposal to fix this.

AlphaBase 5/4/2024

If I was the lead developer, I might extend users memberships to give them enough time to see the working, polished product - that could hush some of the negativity which is stemming from the lack of updates over the last year.

This seems like the best idea. I haven't bothered to download the "final" release. I figured major bugs as descibed in this thread would be there. Not sure why Xlines didn't anticipate this? But they owe it to their paying customers to make it right. Like someone here said, in three months or so this may be a semi-useable producrt.

I 5/5/2024

At the beginning of April, the message to renew the phprunner license appeared in my account. I renewed the license on April 15. I understand very well that developing an application takes more time than expected. I don't understand why Xlinesoft has communicated very little about this. I posted this text on this forum a few days ago, but a few hours later the topic was deleted (thanks Sergey). It seems there is more going on at Xlinesoft. Version 11 is not workable due to many bugs. As someone wrote here, it will take a long time before the bugs are worked out. It is not without reason that a license code does not have to be entered during the installation. Many will certainly look for a competitive package.
If Xlinesoft does not communicate better, they will lose many customers this time.

Dalkeith 5/5/2024

First off thanks to everyone that is commenting and raising issues - I am sure that is valued feedback to Xlinesoft.

As regards ongoing issues. I personally expect there to be quite some issues for some time to come as Xline are implementing a major upgrade but the thing is I do believe that strategically it is the best way to go.
Xlinesoft must be allowed to protect their position in the market and long term have a rebalance occasionally can be incredibly valuable.

I would ask that Xlinesoft continue to support version 10 in parrallel until we have completely tested and are sure of version 11 has complete stability (I m sure this is their plan). Given the big jump this may need to be for some time. In terms of that simply ensuring latest version of PHP are supported on latest version of 10 would be a good position.

All the best everyone and be a good client (as well as a developer) document your issues accurately and clearly report back to Xlinesoft with objectivity and civility.

Chris Whitehead 5/6/2024

@Dalkeith5 I agree with you, we're still a few realeases away from a completely stable and functional release. Version 11 is a major upgrade and a complete rewrite of the current system without much, if any of the orignal code, maybe only sharing the project file format.

It's going to be impossible for Xline to test every single project or every installation setup, so I accept that some of my more complex ones may need alterations to take into account features which haven't appeared yet

I'd like to see some updates to V10.91, none spring to mind and it's a stable platform, I can usually add functions I want to, maybe an upgrade on the bootstrap version or accessing the filters via the search API(I can't find anything so I'm guessing it doesn't).

There appears to have been a newer release of 10.91 with some fixes, I can no longer access it on my Support Panel Purchase as the link is only for V11, maybe I should have copied I'm unable to download any maintenance releases.

Can we change the date format in this forum?

DRCR Dev 5/6/2024


I test my software over and over and never release rubbish. My users are not on an annual repeat basis, paying for updates.

I agree with a lot of your anger - I am hoping that upset users are compensated.

Visa/Master still allow chargebacks for up to 6 months and think that is what is trying to be avoided.

HJB 5/7/2024


Coming soon .., which means to at least me: How long does it last that a single developer
can make one dollar or even too in the market once "BigBrother" named AI had been fully
absorbing all vital steroids to be able to lift true tons of code with ease and in record time.

Grdimitris 5/7/2024

I have used Scriptcase version 9 and other similar rapid code environments. The difference with PHPRunner is that it embeds your code more quickly and is organized in a simple and understandable way. I have a project with 404 tables and custom views, and version 10.91 is painfully slow with a high likelihood of crashing. Version 11 is significant not because it will give you new features, but for the processing speed and finally fewer crashes. Not now, while it's unstable, but in 2 months, when I believe with our involvement it will become stable. Any errors are in details that can be fixed. Upgrading to other similar applications is more expensive, and for us amateur developers who have one or two commercial applications, PHPRunner is the best solution. I might be tired of the themes, but my clients aren't. Surely, I would like a more modern appearance, but I think they will come in less than a year from now. The new features mainly concern newcomers with little coding experience. We who have been using PHPRunner for years can incorporate almost anything we want. So, a little patience.

MikeT 5/7/2024

I would not fear the ai thing too much, having gone to several of these hype cycles (I'm old...). Yes some things will bet better, faster, but if your soultion/software has any value you will just get better tools to build it.
You will still have to be the supervisor/architect/debugger of the tools if your code does any meaningful things. Otherwise you just produce a pile of garbage that might work in the short run but isn't maintainable.

Regarding RAD-tools: I have always returned to phpr for a certain kind of project (after having too many fails with other such offerings), the sweet spot where requirements and budget just fit.
When I need more, these days, I go straight to something like Laravel, either pure or with a starter kit like Spark.

Chris Whitehead 5/7/2024

@MikeT5 Same as you, I'm old.

I remember when computers would take jobs, a few for an example.
computers replacing typists, these people just moved to different office work which was created by the computers
computers and printers replacing printshops, we still have printers, I still get leaflets through the letterbox, who prints those?
computers replacing accountants, I think we have more accountants now, taking on more work while people spend more time promoting their businesses on social media.
didn't computers create the industry we in at the moment?.

I don't see AI replacing developers, I see it enhancing developers, the speed increases in development it can bring will make us all faster and more accurate. I've used it a few times at work when I get dumped an API script in another language, it gets me 90% of the way there, but I still have to finish it and know where to put it, populate the request and deal with the response. It's saved me hours googling on how to convert it.

We need to embrace AI and use it as a new tool, revoting against progress didn't help the luddites did it?

As for Xline, I'm sure they didn't release a product with bugs on purpose, We've updated our system at work and then found out something else broke due to the domino effect, also called sod's law. Once it's out in the wild, it's hard to have a recall and rename the final release to be a beta.

Chris Whitehead 5/8/2024

Just downloaded build 41987 which still fails on building the table files for my larger project, Could the error be made to state which table file it was then, I could look a little deeper.

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aadham 5/8/2024

Downloaded build 41983 and tried importing a project built with 10.91's latest build, but got the following error:

Miscellaneous - Import error
Table node not found
at runnerException (C:\Users\Ayman\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\wizard\src\app\projectProtocol\errors.js:190:19)
at runnerThrow (C:\Users\Ayman\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\wizard\src\app\projectProtocol\errors.js:185:11)
at ProjectImport.getTableDiagram (C:\Users\Ayman\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\instance\projectImport\import.js:456:38)
at ImportManager.importSingleOldProject (C:\Users\Ayman\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\instance\import.js:246:36)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at ImportManager.importOldProject (C:\Users\Ayman\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\instance\import.js:75:28)
at RunnerInstance.importProject (C:\Users\Ayman\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\instance\instance.js:283:32)
at InstanceManager.runner (C:\Users\Ayman\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\app-11.0.14\resources\app.asar\dist\out-tsc\runner\src\app\instance\manager.js:121:28)
at WebContents.<anonymous> (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:89579)
admin 5/8/2024

@Chris Whitehead

As for Xline, I'm sure they didn't release a product with bugs on purpose, We've updated our system at work and then found out something else broke due to the domino effect, also called sod's law. Once it's out in the wild, it's hard to have a recall and rename the final release to be a beta.

Thank you for understanding! We were under a huge pressue from our customers and had to release it sooner than it was 100% ready. We are getting closer to make it fully functional every day and support and understanding are wvery welcome.

Chris Whitehead 5/9/2024

@admin I know what it's like to test something as much as possible in your enviroment, with your files and then it goes wrong when released.

On bugs, I'm still getting this on install. I don't see the setup log when I click the button, where is this located?

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cristi 5/9/2024

Sorry about that - I was over the line....

FR 5/9/2024

I have been using Runner products for 13 years. Super successfully.

Some advice - yes, report your issues, but - keep it constructive. These products have been essential, important parts of my work. I have 150% confidence that the issues will be worked out in short order. In the meantime, keep both versions on your machines. Use 11 to identify and report issues, and possibly stay with 10.x a bit longer.

This will pass, and this will continue to be the greatest web app development product on the planet.

Chris Whitehead 5/9/2024

@cristi I would suspect everyone is feeling a little stressed, customers due to the long wait and the bugs which are still around, the staff at Xline due to the software taking longer than expected and pushing the date back, then thinking they were at the end and the final release, then all the bug rear their heads which they are trying to track down and fix.

@FR I don't use PHPRunner to earn a living or in my full time job at all, mainly for personal projects and a little bit of freelancing, so maybe I have a different view on the bugs, while I'd like the speed improvements which make any larger projects easier to work with, I'm willing to stick with 10.91 and have a finished product where I can migrate my current projects to.

@admin To avoid confusion, I have 2 computers with different issues. I'm still getting the build issue on 4/80 on one of them, would that be table 4 of 80? There's nothing in the console, not sure about the other tabs as it
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So I can try to debug it, would it be possible for you to state which table 4 is? Is it the 4th table in column 1? could it be the 4th selected in column 1? or is it the 4th table in column 2?
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Chris Whitehead 5/10/2024

@admin Having looked into the build issue a little deeper. I am getting a parse error on the results screen for a specific query , would the limit 0 on the end just be placed there for helping with the parsing?
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This is the MySql which V11 is having an issue with. Side by side in V11 and V10.91.
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This is parsed correctly in v10.91 and produces the results as you can see it requests the session variable which is used in the query.
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The install on the other computer appears to be ok now, no crash on install, I can import the same project as above, this does give the same result with the parse error.

Andreas Georgiou 5/10/2024
I have been using their tool for over 16 years now.
They have done outstanding job so far until V11. Perhaps V11 is buggy but I am sure they are trying to work out the issues!

The software rocks and made our job easy to push out apps that work!

PHPRunner thank you again and cannot wait to V11 update coming out soon.

Chris Whitehead 5/12/2024

The strange install bug has come back, Looked a little deeper and it's installing to
"C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\PHPRunner11\PHPRunner 11.exe"

Not had a look on the other computer so I'll double check that instalation.

I don't appear to be able to change it either.

Checked the other computer and that installs to the same location, just thought I'd found the install issue, nevermind, I'll get me coat.

Chris Whitehead 5/16/2024

Am I the only one still finding bugs in V11? If I am then maybe it's just me and my computer which is broke.

Keeps using the built in server on build no matter what the settings are. See the url in the next image.
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Also won't let me login once built from a 10.91 project .
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I am seeing this error
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I still have the install issue on my laptop, as it's installing to the user account then I wonder if it's related to that.