Create a Web APP (Update 04/11/2024) |
4/12/2024 2:44:41 PM |
PHPRunner Tips and Tricks | |
This example, which started from a PHPRunner 9.8 version, has been updated with the features and enhancements of the PHPRunner 10.91 version. From my point of view, although it could still be improved further (for example, being able to edit mobile pages from the Page Designer), the current solution is very powerful and very interesting and powerful APPs can be made. The mobile page options have been used, which are very powerful to differentiate desktop and mobile APP pages and personalize the application interface. DEMO: You can use the user “user1″/”user1” or register in the APP.
I advise you to use a mobile device, so you can see how it can be installed and how nice it looks on said platform. There are many aspects of JavaScript and CSS, which modify general characteristics that I believe can be of great interest to those who wish to build an APP of this type. To access all the information and sources for the example, follow this link . |