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Probem via upload ftp

3/27/2024 11:32:08 AM
PHPRunner General questions
bluestrikealpha author


I'am trying to create a project on VPS server, then I created a mariadb database on the VPS and I made my project on the PHP Runner, but when I made the upload via ftp to my new VPS server the webpage that appear is the testing page from apache.
Can someone help me with that?

Thank you in advance

admin 3/27/2024

You need to make sure that you have uploaded your files to the correct folder.

Also, if in the same folder there are some default files like index.php, you should delete them.

bluestrikealpha author 3/28/2024

I search on the documentations of the VPS server about the right folder to upload the files and I am uploading on /var/www/html, but still the same problem.
I also search for the index.php and I don't found it.

admin 3/28/2024

This test page is coming from somewhere, you need to find it, delete and upload your application to that folder.

Really hard to understand what does it have to do with PHPRunner though.

HJB 3/28/2024

For your site to run smoothly just put your html and css files inside a directory in /var/www name it mysite for example.
Then you can run your default(index.html) file of your site just by locating to /var/www/mysite
unquote excerpt out of URL above

Now in my wording: You need to UPLOAD a URL re-direct coded index.html which points to the /var/www/yoursite
root directory uploaded index.php (already done by PHPRunner as you said) into the /var/www directory.
Nota bene: Apache2 looks into /var/www for an index.html first, if found, it is displaying same (currently this is the standard
page shipped by default you are seeing right now, hence you need to alter that very one as explained above) and once the
modified index.html is correctly pointing to the index.php file in your YOURSITE subdirectory, it should work, I think.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="

.... above HTML code sample needs to get altered and inserted on top into the /var/www/index.html ..., for inspiration purposes only,