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Connect to a VPN

3/5/2024 2:24:21 PM
PHPRunner General questions
mtpocket author


I'm using PHPR 10.7 Enterprise and need to "post" via endpoints, data on a remote server. When using localhost & OpenVPN I can successfully "get" & "post" information on remote server.

My problem is, after publishing on my piblic IP I cannot access the endpoints and have a strong suspision it's the VPN.
My question is.

  1. How can I connect to the VPN
  2. Can I create "add database connection" to access this VPN. NB. I'm using the Enterprise Edition
  3. Can PHPR overcome my hurdle or do I look elsewhere.
  4. The other vendor doesn't want to whitelist my IP.

Any assistance/inspiration will be appreciated.



admin 3/6/2024

PHP applications do not know anything about VPNs, they work on a different level. You need to talk to the person who handles networking in your organization and ask them what causes the issue and what can be done about it.

Mark Kramer 3/25/2024

Connect to the VPN first using the credentials given to you by your IT department. Then you can access things just like you were on site . Like admin said, PHP has nothing to do with the VPN. The very nature of VPN "Virtural Private Network" tells you it's not the same as code.

HJB 3/26/2024

Citing excerpt ex:
I'm now working on a project where I need to access a computer cloud on a private network
(there is no public IP directly to the cloud so it can only be accessed when I'm on the network).
My project involves a website that needs to access that cloud "somehow".

Got your point ..., I think, the above URL content speaks on YOUR issue as well, view tipps rendered by user(s).