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Lookup : List page with filter

2/27/2024 7:12:05 AM
PHPRunner General questions
pmuckle authorDevClub member

Hi All,

I'd like to add a radio button filter to a list page that is used as a lookup.

The data for the radio buttons will come from a table (category)

Any help appreciated.



admin 2/27/2024

Sorry, it is not easy to understand what exactly is the question here. Maybe you can post some visuals that would explain what you are after?

pmuckle authorDevClub member 2/27/2024

OK, this is a slightly more involved version with a checkbox and close button to add.

I have a list page with 4 columns for a multi select lookup..

Each record shows an image, category and item.

I want to have a set of radio buttons at the top to filter the list quickly on category.

I'd like to be able to select an item using the checkbox (which doesn't exist) or alternatively clicking on the image or text (it is just the text that selects). The checkbox would check/uncheck.

At the moment, after making a selection the popup closes and I have to re-open to make another selection. I'd like it to stay open until I click the 'close' button (also to add).


img alt

DRCR Dev 3/1/2024

I'm curious what makes the popup close after the click.

Whenever I've used checkboxes, I used the ones that create a 0 or 1 in the database (spreadsheet mode to update immediately and hide all the other spreadsheet options) and in the next step query the database with the 0 or 1's.

I love that layout and cannot imagine how you created it.

pmuckle authorDevClub member 3/1/2024

The layout is a list page in advanced vertical mode with 4 columns, with an image field and text field. This is called from the lookup.

There isn't a filter (although a simple search is possible) or close button on the actual form, or the filter radio buttons.

The selections come from a database file and the IDs are stored as numbers separated by commas in a text field. They look like tags in view page. So the checkbox is just highlighting a selection.

DRCR Dev 3/1/2024

Thanks for that. Did my approach help. I can imagine in detail how I would achieve this based on your reply.