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Using the AnyChart Plugin Update

2/24/2024 1:14:49 PM
PHPRunner Tips and Tricks
fhumanes author

img alt

In the XlineSoft Forum and emails I have received, there are users who want a graph on each line to be provided on the LIST page.

I have taken this example to explain how it can be done with the AnyChart Plugin.

img alt

This new field of the “Invoice” table is a duplicate of the “idfactura” and we will use it with the plugin to create the graphics.

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And the code written to produce the chart is in the file ( anychart_3.php ):

Variables passed by the Plugin:

$field_value .- Field what show screen
$DataValue .- Valor del campo que se utiliza en el plugin
$javascript .- File of Javascript of Anychart
$theme .- File of Theme of Anychart
$language .- File Javscript of language
$decimalsCount .- Parameter
$zeroFillDecimals .- Parameter
$decimalPoint .- Parameter
$groupsSeparator .- Parameter
$license .- License of ANYCHART for PHPRunner
$id_field .- Field occurrence identification number used to identify the "container".

global $conn;


$idfactura = $DataValue;

$strSQLExists = "SELECT
factura.idfactura, factura.Nif, factura.NombreRazonSocial, factura.FechaFactura, factura.TotalFactura,
linea_factura.idlinea_factura, linea_factura.factura_idfactura, linea_factura.producto_idproducto, linea_factura.Nombre, linea_factura.Valor
FROM factura
left join linea_factura on (factura.idfactura = linea_factura.factura_idfactura)
WHERE idfactura = $idfactura ";

$rsExists = db_query($strSQLExists,$conn);

while ($Row = db_fetch_array($rsExists)) {
$idFactura='Factura: '.$Row["idfactura"].' Producto: '.$Row["Nombre"];
$chartData.="['$idFactura', $TotalValor, $FechaFactura] \n,";
$chartData = substr($chartData, 0, -1);

$graphicDefinition= <<<EOT

// create pie chart with passed data
var data =[
// add data of the Client

var wealth = data.mapAs({'x': 0, 'value': 1});

var chart = anychart.pie(wealth);

// License, out logo

// apply coffee theme
// anychart.theme(;

// turn on chart animation

// set chart title text settings
chart.title('Facturas del Cliente');
// Special
// Tooltip
var tooltip = chart.tooltip();


// URL Format in:

chart.labels().format('{%Value}{decimalsCount:0} ({%yPercentOfTotal}{decimalsCount:2}%)');

// set legend title text settings
var legend = chart.legend();
// set legend position and items layout

// Special

// set container id for the chart
// initiate chart drawing

$field_value .= $graphicDefinition;

The new version is executed in PHPRunner 10.7

If you are interested in this article, continue reading it at this link .