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Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: 16382)

1/4/2024 4:08:38 AM
ASPRunner.NET General questions
david powell author

Hi All,

I have an asprunner application with Mysql as the database.

I have an app that runs like a cron job every few minutes processing incoming data.

The processing uses alot of calls iteratively of the structure:

rssc = DB.Query("select * fromxxx where location='xx' and collected is null and removed is null and deleted is null");
while (datauploads = rssc.fetchAssoc()){
//process code, perform DB.Exec commands

Despite the error appearance, there are no prepared sql statements (there is no UI and no opportunity for manual insertion of sql statements).

It is however consuming up mysql resources. Re uploading the entire website fixes the issue, but isnt practical.

This is an error that can occur with mysql, and there are no obvious fixes but I would initially like to try and free up the database resouces to see if that helps: i have tried disconnecting and reconneting the database programmatically each time the 'cron' is run, to no avail.

Has anyone any experience of this, or can guide me how to completely release mysql connections to allow the server to reset itelf?


admin 1/4/2024

Get build 41388 where this issue was fixed.