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Reload dropdown box only without reloading entire page

10/22/2023 4:57:34 PM
PHPRunner General questions

I have an Add page (sales) with a dropdown box linked to a table (vehicles) that allows on the fly add of new vehicles. On the Add vehicles page there is also a dropdown box (customer) which also allows on the fly add of new customers. So from the sales Add page I click all new vehicle and then on the vehicle Add popoupI click new customer. After saving the new customer, the new record appears in the customer field on the vehcile Add page (great!). Then I complete the vehcle add page and save and it goes back to the sale Add page where the new vehicle also appears in the vehicle field on sale Add page (great!). But the sale Add page which also has a dropdown box (customer) doesnt get reloaded with new customer so when I drop down the customer isnt there until I reload the page (which of course means all entered data is gone). Normaly the customer field auto fills after selecting the vehichle but this does not happen, and the new customer is not even in the customer dropdown until I refresh.
So how can I reload just the customer dropdown box to get newly created data without having to manually reload the entire page?
Thank you