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Key Columns Randomly Changing Order

10/17/2023 6:41:20 AM
PHPRunner General questions
DRCR Dev author

I'm using PHPRUNNER 10.91 latest release but I noticed this in the last few releases.
The key columns randomly change and are displayed in one of the following orders:

  • the order in mysql

  • alphabetically

I have buttons / hyperlinkls that link to key parts of of other pages but the order of editid1, editid2 keeps changing and breaks the funcationality.
if (empty($values["vat_return"]) || is_null($values["vat_return"])) {
$values["vat_return"] = "";
} else {
$values["vat_return"] = "<a href=\"vat_submissions_view.php?page=view&editid1=" . rawurlencode($values["org_id"]) . "&editid2=" . rawurlencode($values["company"]) . "&editid3=" . rawurlencode($values["vat_return"]) . "\">" . $values["vat_return"] . "</a>";
no longer works as I set this up when the order of the key column was the order in mysql, but now phprunner has reordered all the keys to alphabetical.
I cannot work out why the software jumps between the two different types of orders. ONe day the mysql order is everywhere and another time its all alphaebical.