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Notification Error Spam

10/10/2023 3:36:52 AM
PHPRunner General questions
mic'',) author

I often experience this
img alt
it there anywrong with the code?
`$message = 'Name: '.$values['Firstname'].', '.$values['Lastname'];
$icon = 'fa-user';
$url = makePageLink('employees','view',$keys);
$expire = 1440;
$permissions = array('group'=>'<Admin>');

addNotification( $message, $title, $icon, $url, $expire, $permissions, false );`Thanks in advance

admin 10/10/2023

Can you explain what exactly is wrong with it?

mic'',) author 10/10/2023

Spamming like in the image
I dont know if theres an error in my code or something else