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Error: Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

3/1/2003 9:03:54 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions

I receive the following error message when trying to save changes I made to database:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/tablename_edit.asp, line xxx

Admin 3/2/2003

This commonly occurs when you have a field name that is a reserved word.
Certain words (like table, field, date, note, select, password, level etc) are reserved by either ADO, OLEDB or by Access for use as commands or system objects.
You can get a list of reserved words in Access from the online help.
You should never use these words as names for tables or fields nor should you have spaces in your tablenames. It is recommended that you rename your offending tables/fields and adjust your SQL statement accordingly.