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One Drive

1/20/2023 11:04:00 AM
PHPRunner General questions
lefty author

Looking at the documentation , it looks to me you can only send one drive documents to one One Drive ID. Is it possible to send one drive documents to the users account for each user?

lefty author 1/20/2023

I just realized this may not be clear enough. above. What I am trying to do is each user inputs thier data and then sends to thier one drive ( one company , but 200 users ) so it has to go to thier one drive panel, as it has different data. I plan to use phpspreadsheet as the event then send to thier own drive . How can I do that in one project?

mbintex 1/21/2023

At least to my knowledge the whole integration of online disks like Amazon, dropbox or OneDrive is implemented in a way, that there is only one account being combined with your solution. So the whole feature is only usable for custom solutions and not SaaS - or as in your example - even not there.

I contacted Xlinesoft about this and asked, if at least the API could allow for one online account per user. I think this is definetely needed, if the feature should be usable in all circumstances.

Documentations says:

After the project is built and published, open it in the web browser and proceed to any page of a table where cloud storage is used. You will be redirected to Microsoft's site to log in.

Log in under the account that should be used to store the files. Then the application will save the credentials, and no further login will be needed.

The credentials are saved in \templates_c\onedrive.php file respectively.

If you need to change the OneDrive configuration and start storing files under a different account, delete that file, then close all browser windows to clear the session. Open any page where cloud storage is used in the browser again and log in to Microsoft using your new account.

lefty author 1/22/2023

Thanks, for the reply.
Yea I was reading that same documentation. I will have to test as it seems that first you would login to the company ( one drive ) then login to your personal one drive in company credentials to save document.
Just not sure it works that way.