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Wordpress Plugin not working

1/16/2023 11:46:56 PM
PHPRunner General questions
headingwest author

Hi all, I've bought the wordpress plugin but I can't get it to work. Nothing shows up where I have the shortcode.

Using PHPRunner 10.9 and Wordpress 6.1.1

I created a project with one add page that I want to use for a form. Here is my shortcode:

[wpphprunner page="crmform_add.php"]

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?

My test page is here:

Thanks for any help

admin 1/17/2023

According to what I see, the plugin either wasn't installed or wasn't activated. It displays the shortcode instead of executing it.

headingwest author 1/17/2023

Definitely activated, also tried deactivating and activating it again. The shortcode is shown because on the test page I entered twice. Once with [ ] and also without.

Is there any other troubleshooting I can perform?

Wordpress page

admin 1/18/2023

According to your setup, the following URL should be shown instead of the shortcode:

However, if I open this URL manually in the web browser it shows 403 Forbidden error. It looks like either web server or WordPress are not configured properly. Once you can make this URL open in the web browser it will be shown in WordPress as well.