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postgreSQL connection issue

12/16/2022 1:09:28 PM
PHPRunner General questions
P author

I'm creating a new project using postgreSQL database. After building project, I come up with below issue. Currently using PhpRunner 10.8 build: 39925 and postgreSQL 15.1.

Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: SCRAM authentication requires libpq version 10 or above in D:\WebServer\htdocs\test1\output\connections\PostgreConnection.php on line 62

Fatal error: Unable to connect in D:\WebServer\htdocs\test1\output\connections\Connection.php on line 668

admin 12/16/2022

You need to make sure that your web server and PHP support newer authentication methods. Check this post for inspiration:

No changes in PHPRunner app are required.

P author 12/16/2022

Thanks Admin.
It was quick and great.

This worked => instead of replacing scram-sha-256 with md5, replace it with trust in pg_hba.conf
This did not work => set password_encryption = md5 in postgresql.conf, change the authentication method to md5 in pg_hba.conf

hope there will not be security issue using trust as I saw in the comment not to use trust. But that worked for me.