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Add button to display map for single record

12/15/2022 12:52:35 PM
PHPRunner General questions
chrisbee author

I am sure I found the solution to this ages ago.. but???

I have a record that contains the following:-

Id Barcode Latitude Longitude Created At Updated At DRIVER
2518 HOORYA0030881089 49.1843504 -2.1008544 15/12/2022 15/12/2022 14:58:13 Bhoutik

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I simply want to put a button at the end of each record that displays the lat & long locatioin on a map... but every time I try it displays ALL of the repords on the page locations and not just the individual record data.

Ideally I'd like to open in a pop up window??

Any help - much appreciated


fhumanes 12/22/2022


I don't know if the example I have in my portal can solve what you need.

All the best,