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Catch out of memory error in export

10/28/2022 8:01:02 AM
MikeT author

(Maybe it's too special for my case)

I have a project with a lot of Excel export options, the user can select a lot of options (number of fields, number of records etc.) and it's difficult to test all cases and how much server RAM needs to be allocated for the worst case.
Since the Excel exporter is very memory hungry there are still edge cases where memory runs out. For this project I already increased the max_memory parameter to the max possible in the current environment.

I know, the usual answer is, go to a bigger server with more RAM when there's an out of memory case...

But still: I wondered if the framework of phpr could catch this error in a more "user friendly" way, with this I mean a dialog box informing that the export wasn't possible because of lack of memory.
Currently you just see a bare bones error page without the layout/view/look of the current project.


admin 10/28/2022

PHPRunner has an option to display a generic error message of your choice instead of the detailed error message. This is what we recommend doing.

MikeT author 10/28/2022

Thanks, probably forgit about that. I'll test it again.