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Strange behavior when creating a PDF document

10/23/2022 8:06:35 PM
PHPRunner General questions
Karlo_from_Germany author

Hello from Germany. I need some support. (PHPRunner 10.4)

I have created an application for the inventory management of our sailing club. For the pages "new, edit and view" I created corresponding tabs. When I view one of the records as a PDF, all entries in the PDF are duplicated. Does anyone have an idea what this could be?

img alt

And, second question, by the way: Am I right in assuming that there is no other way like upgrading the PHPRunner version to work with PHP 8.0?
No workaround or something similar?

Thanks in advance

Karlo from Germany

admin 10/24/2022

Only PHPRunner 10.8 supports PHP 8. No workarounds or shortcuts, lots of code had to be changed.

In regards to your PDF question - it is hard to tell what exactly might be wrong. May be something that you did in the Page Designer, maybe something that was wrong in version 10.4 and was fixed in later versions. In either case not possible to tell without having access to your project.

Karlo_from_Germany author 10/24/2022

Thanks for the quick answer.