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block editing after the deadline ends.

10/19/2022 3:48:33 PM
PHPRunner General questions
Roosevelt author

Hello, for everyone, I have an application where I put two dates, one from the beginning and one from the end. After the end date and time, I want the edit to be blocked. Question, where within PHPrunner i write this code? What is the command to block editing?

Roosevelt author 10/19/2022

Mr. Admin, sending a manual page for reference.

Example 1

Disable editing of data in a certain table on weekends:

$dw = date("w", time());
$isEditable = $dw!=6 && $dw!=0;
return $isEditable;

Example 2

Enable editing of only the records with odd IDs (1,3,5 ...):

if ($values["ID"] & 1)
return false;
return true;

Ok, how I put my date? Exemple:

$dw = date("w", time());
$isEditable = $dw!=data_encerramento_pedido && $dw!=12;
return $isEditable;

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hudster 10/19/2022

Not an expert in this - especially from the PHP perspective, but I have used the MySQL query here - create a new field in the table "date difference" AS the difference between now() and end date.

If the date difference value is >1 then ask the PHP code to return a value (eg: "false"). Then set phpr to make the line in your record not editable for "false".

This link in the forum is helpful - last post

or this page
if ($values["date_difference"] >0)
return false;
return true;

fhumanes 10/20/2022


Phprunner has an event to do this type of control.

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(1), is the table in which you want to do control
(2) It is the event where depending on the data you can establish whether the registration is editable or not.
