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Edit Admin Rights List

10/18/2022 6:54:37 PM
PHPRunner General questions
wehaye author

Does the Admin Rights page have the same lifecycle as other public pages (Before process, before add, after add, etc)?

I want to insert the code when there is a permission change, but I can't find the admin rights page at the event stage of the phprunner application.

Can anyone do it?
How do you do that?

admin 10/19/2022

Unfortunately, we do not have any events associated with this page.

wehaye author 10/19/2022

If so, please add it to the phprunner update because I think many need this feature

mbintex 10/20/2022

you could build a view based on the your_dbname_ugrights on your own. Then you would have the events and could freely design this page to your likings. Same applies to users, settings etc.

wehaye author 10/20/2022

The suggestion mbintex sounds a solution, but it requires a lot of effort because we have to figure out for ourselves which unlisted table and which page types, such as add, change, delete, etc" are active for each menu.

Very useful when "Admin Rights page" has event stages like other pages