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July 20, 2022. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET 10.8 maintenance maintenance release

7/20/2022 6:25:15 PM
ASPRunner/PHPRunner change log
Sergey Kornilov

July 20, 2022. PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET 10.8 maintenance release
build 39612

Fixed in this build:

  • fixed dependent filters;
  • Custom CSS did not load on the Style Editor screen;
  • fixed various style upgrade problems;
  • added back Menu Editor button to the Style Editor;
  • .NET only - fixed Google login expiration issues;
  • fixed multisleect lookup displaying on the List page;
  • fixed dashboard display on mobile devices;
  • fixed sidebar height not taking up the whole screen;
  • fixed CSS Editor display issues with long CSS code;
  • WHERE tabs were not shown in details preview on Edit/View pages;

Customers who purchased less than twelve months ago can download this update via the control panel. Proceed to 'My purchases' and check 'Reg info' link next to your latest purchase.

Customers who purchased more than twelve months ago can renew their maintenance using links below:

PHPRunner maintenance

ASPRunner.NET maintenance

ASPRunnerPro maintenance

The whole list of features in version 10.8: