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Use Dropdown to select a record

5/15/2022 9:40:54 PM
PHPRunner General questions
gehrenfeld author

I have a database with one of it's column called name.
I want to have a dropdown box that displays the name colunm, then when I click on a name it displays that record.

if it involes scripts, please explain step by step how I would do this. like what the scrip is and where I would put it.

Thank for the help.

kohle 5/16/2022


why you dont make a listpage with this table and use the search field for finding the record.
If you dont want to show any records at the beginning, go to the tabpage: "fields" than click on the button "Search and filter settings"
Here you can select : "Hide data until search" and select for your field "name" : Include into all fields search. Deselect the others
you dont need.


IKA9 5/27/2022

take a look at fhumanes plugins would work good ffor u

aadham 5/28/2022

Link doesn't work. Here's the correct page

IKA9 5/28/2022


well noted tq . i was using my phone must be copied wrong link