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popup window looses custom css applied in the page, why?

5/8/2022 11:30:22 AM
PHPRunner General questions
P author

I applied custom css for checkbox with zoom:1.7 to increase the checkbox size. This works great in the normal ADD page, but if same page is open in Popup Window, I loose this effect. Can anyone help me figure out if something need to be corrected? I even found that custom CSS and JS applied are lost in the popup window. Any help is highly appreciated.

Preview in two image files: one in popup windows and other in normal => Add Page

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admin 5/8/2022

It looks like you need to adjust your CSS selectors so they work for both standalone and popup pages.

P author 5/8/2022

I used below code in the custom css at add page. I'm not sure if I selected the correct one? But it works good in the normal add page, and does not work at popup window. Please advice.

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Preview below how I found the selector:

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P author 5/8/2022

@admin, thank you.
I replaced the selector and it did work with charm.
new selector:
.radio input[type="radio"], .radio-inline input[type="radio"], .checkbox input[type="checkbox"], .checkbox-inline input[type="checkbox"] {