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Width of Dropdown List - Justified Right

4/29/2022 2:33:12 PM
PHPRunner General questions
JoeB7774 author

Hello. Normally, when I click on a drop down list, the list appears wider than the field when you click on it (which is great). I have a drop down that appears on the far right of my screen. When I click it, the drop down is justified to the left side of the field and each entry in the dropdown is multiple lines. Is there any way (Im guessing through CSS) to right justify the list so that I can get each drop down entry on a single line?



admin 4/29/2022

Can you post a screenshot of how it looks now and how it needs to be changed? Need to see some visuals to understand what the issue is.

JoeB7774 author 4/29/2022

I am wondering if I can shift the left edge of the list to the left (when the user clicks on the drop down) so that the choices in the drop down dont take up so many lines. The width of the field is fine; just the list that im looking to make wider (to the left).

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