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How to show Icon instead of File Name in View As PDF

11/6/2021 12:43:43 PM
PHPRunner General questions
Nuffpips author

Hello All.
Newbie to PHPRunner.
I think I originally posted this question in the wrong category.

Is there a way to show an icon instead of the filename in list view for a PDF attachment when it is set to be "View as PDF"
After I perform the initilize script it populates the following:

$this->settings["option1"] = "value";
$this->settings["option2"] = 0;

Are there any settings that I can use to show the PDF icon "images/icons/pdf.pdf" in the list view where a user clicks the icon and it opens the PDF.


admin 11/7/2021

We do not have such a built-in option. Your best vet is to use 'View as' type Custom and create a similar link manually using an icon instead of the file name.

More info on 'view as' Custom